1. Wasn't the moonwalk the hardest shit to do....u could never get it quite like mike
2. Thriller nigga....thriller
3. Speakin of thriller....youtube how many people use thriller for they wedding
4. Smooth criminal....was I the only 1 that tried to do that lean n that video...smh..greatest shit ever....also...he did the lean live....I stilllll can't do it
5. Crotch grab never looked so good....are u serious...ya grandma could do it...and it would b ok...its mike nigga its mike..(lol@ma language)
6. Ýea mike made some good ass songs but only afta he died doesn't it seem like his songs give u chills now.....dirty diana(youtube it....hooootttt)
7. Don't u wish he juss stopped the plastic surgery....on thriller he was str8...he could've stopped there
8. Mannnn did we ever find out if anne was ok?
9. Thillerrrrrrrr.....young old black white man or woman...u KNOW some parts of that dance
10. U ma not no all the words...but u no beat it...juss beat it
11. Dammnnnn seein it again afta all this time....oh u can do the moves....(n ur mind).....u sound juss like him
12. Noooooooooo one...will ever replace mike...there's noo way
13. SideKick ....crotch grab...spin....crotch grab...pelvic thrust pelvic thrust ...lol...whhhattt who else is gon pull that off
14. Member the "knife fight" n beat it .....mj came n as a mediator and everyone did that dance......lol the reach and grab lol..thas wha im calln it right now
15. Im gettn hyped up juss thinkn bout this video...whose bad....sha'mon...ah....this dude was dressed to kill yo .......reminds u how crazy it is that this guy is dead.....mannnn im watchn the video as I type....watch this video again riighhhtt afta u read this...meanin....right now
16. U noooo u bad when u can molest kids and get away wit it(allegedly)
17. Man how does he spin 40 times n a row....gota b the shoes
18. Do u rememba...ah.... when his hair caught on fire.....smh...usin too much soul glo
19. Get high get low now...Ýea Ýea ...get over get under...Ýea Ýea...u stuck n the middle Ýea Ýea
20. U see when mj was on south park?....he did look like hisself....I think that was based on a true story
21. If I wore white socks and some black loafers right now...id get joked outa them....only mike yo
22. Sooo weak@ michael jackson tryna teach micheal jordan how to dance and and jordan tryna teach jackson how to play ball
23. Man..all I wanna say it that...they don't really care about us...whewwww the beginning goes hard
24. How the helllll do u go from black to white....does neone even no?....I aint nevvverr seen that shit done b4
25. He had the same hairstyle for @ least 37 years
26. *looks for ma white glove*....people always told me...b careful wha u do...don't go already breakn young girls hearts...heeeeee...wait.....whose kid is it...if it aint ya son?...she said u was the one
27. Juss imagine how many people gon b micheal jackson for halloween
28. Dun dun dun dundun...dundun dun dundun....dun dun dun dundun....dundun dun dundun.....yo butt is mineeee....(whose bad)....wait ...did u see the one they remade wit juss kids in it....omg classic (utube it)
29. Without "Im bad"...weird al couldn't make "im fat"(utube it if u aint heard it)
30. Man where did he get his dancers from tho...they knew ballet/hiphop/jazz/contemporary/flute/martial arts...all that
Man I can go on and on...there's waaaayyy too much that comes wit his name....he is the definition of a legend...he will be missed RIP Michael Jackson 1958-2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
R.I.P...neeeh...LIVE FOREVER MIKE!!!!

To be the most loved man in the world, but the loneliest man in the world at the same time…ironic
Unfortunately, it took Michael’s death to really put back into perspective what great is, and no one since him has had ANYTHING on him……if you say anyone can hold a candle to him would actually be disrespectful...and that's not the sad talkin, it's so for real
Stop using the word “genius” and “phenomenal” so loosely…ughk
Isn’t it crazy people could say Mike is the best that ever did it and there will never be anyone greater, and actually mean it 100%, not even knowing who’s coming in the future….but I totally agree
How is it the videos and spectacularness that Michael has accomplished in the freakin’ 70s and 80s has not been outdone in the new millennium, with all the technology out now……..I guess none of that matters if you’re not Michael Jackson
Mike was so ahead of his time that artists of the future are still behind…case and point, no one has out done Mike yet!...THRILLER???...MATCHLESS!!!!!!
Do you think getting a black president in exchange for Mike is a square deal??? maaaaaan
A Florida Evans “damn” moment is sooooo called for right now
Michael is so fine in the thriller video, maaan, especially the little acting parts where you can really get a good look at him, that smile tho???...oooo, and he was tall and skinny too, my kinda brotha!
I think it's kinda mean to think "God, why not some other Jackson brother?" but i think it a little :( .....but only Mike would've gotten this reaction and had this impact on people's lives, impact for the better for a lot of people, so I thank God for that
I'm waiting for Obama to release a statement, and if he doesn't, he's on my bad list for about a week
I kinda want the fourth thursday of june to be an international holiday...ok, im OD-ing...lol
Isn't Mike the coolest, sweetest, meekest weirdo you'll ever know??? so lovably weird
You know, I’m gonna start an industry on the psychology of mourning a celeb in the media…my main foundation of this branch of study….(I’m serious)...1) no slow music in remembrance of the celeb, that just saddens people even more…….2)no “year born-year died” captions, really confirms the death…..3)no obvious or subtle bad talk about the person, tasteless……….you can do all this stuff, but wait at least 1 week, don’t give people anything confirming death, gotta psych the mind a little
I swear the media is at least 40% responsible for Mike's death, such vultures
I kinda hope Beyonce scraps her whole show and make it a MJ tribute (I'm going tomorrow)…she has the same performance spirit as Mike, no doubt, but the depth of her songs are baby dribble compared to Mike Jack!!!...kinda disrespcetful??? yes, am i playing? NO
A piece of the earth has broken off and can never be replaced...yeah, Mike's that major
I know Chris Brown and Chris Tucker are barfing right now
Isn’t it kinda weird to go back and look at what people were doing minutes before the news broke?…What were their facebook statuses? What were they talking about? What were they doing?....all while being oblivious to MICHAEL JACKSON dying at those very moments….craaaaazy
Doesn't MJ execute the whole skinny jeans/fitted clothes look so perfectly...he so pioneered that!
I can go on and on, but I just have this lost, confused, weirdo feeling that is really bothering me….I’m actually trying to overexpose myself with his news so my brain can tell me, ok, this is played out so, you know, it can get old to me and im forced to quickly accept it...it's hard tho…..just a little psychology game I’m playing...whatever it takes...(((totally blasting his music all weekend!!!...probably start singing MJ songs at the concert, soooo in my own world ...everyone looking at me concerned...lol)))
man i love mike jack...
Thursday, June 25, 2009

ok, im not a hard curser, i do what i like to call "diet cussing," you know, the light and easy "bad" words, and that's rarely...but are there some situations that warrant hard cussing from even the most sophisticated, classy status of people? i heard people curse because their vocabulary lacks depth, something like that, but come now, are there just some situations where no other word but a curse word can express the point perfectly, liiiike someone lying on you and getting you fired, ooooor someone spitting in your face? (<<< actually deserves a few blows thrown too) hmmmmmm...just wondering
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
excuses, excuses, excuses

there all types of people in the world, but i think the coolest, most honest people in the world are those who don't or rarely give excuses. sometimes when i hear them, i cringe with disdain and think, come on, grow up. there's always an excuse on why something you were responsible for didn't happen, and you may even get in the good graces of the person you stood up, didn't do something for, or whoever the affected party is if you give a great, believable, or even truthful excuse, but that gets old my friends... true maturity comes when you take responsibility, apologize for your fault, and carry on with life, excuse-free, or owning your faults......at least you're being honest and it's now up to the person to trust your dependability and up to you to work on it.
let's play fill in the blank...EXCUSES ARE LIKE ---------- EVERYONE HAS THEM.
Monday, June 22, 2009
reasons i CAN'T play for the other team

COLLABO: i just can't do it...
1. aside from the spiritual, moral, and other subjective reasons specific to just me, it’s just logically natural to be with a man, period….please feel free to reflect and examine this theory on your own.
2. the coolness of a man is matchless. no amount of practicing or wishing can make anyone have the aura and dare I say this over used yet fitting word, swag, of man…..sorry imposters, you either have it or you don’t.
3. isn’t it great how guys can just let stuff go? It’s like they’re born with this “oh well” attitude. this trait gives my nit-picking and analyzing great balance.
4. nothing compares to the anatomy of a man, oooo, especially when he’s trim and cut, amongst other things specific to a man (throat clear), but that’s just my taste, I mean, the build of a guy is just natural, and quite obvious….case and point, guys, if there was no dramatic surgery involved, can’t you tell when a “chick” is really man…men are just made different.
5. ooo, la, laaah, how about massages? it’s like men’s hands are made with more muscle and strength, man, perfect for those trouble areas…don’t wanna take my word? that’s fine, compare if necessary ladies.
6. ok, nothing rivals the feeling of you knowing (along with everyone else) that you have a good man, so submitting to him is nothing. no, I don’t mean washing his feet or cooking for him naked in high heels (unless that’s your thing). i just mean letting the man be the “man”, the leader, the protector, boosting his ego a little...all this and more isn’t a problem if you genuinely have a good man with a good heart. >
7. how about the slight or overt obnoxiousness of a guy? It’s hilarious… i mean, he’s not wreckless and disrespectful, but he just says things a lady wouldn’t, and you’ll be weak cuz you think he’s nuts…cute.
8. im a hip hop/rap fanatic, but unfortunately I’ve been forced to listen to commercial for a while :/ doesn’t it seem like guys always have the hot underground and mixtape cd’s that you’ll never find in target or best buy??? Im sayin tho, it's like it's a secret among guys only, no girls allowed
Son-son, I could neeeever play for the other team, I don’t believe in “don’t knock it til you try it,” some stuff you already know for sure…let these people know what team you’re on tho, conservative ends riiiiiiiiiight abooouuuut now:
9. Off top....d*ck n ma booty lmaaooo...it don't even sound right....omg...I juss threw up n ma mouth......wdffffff.....I can't do it
10. I don't want no rough ass man hands rubbn ma back...come on dawg...the calluses on ya hands r rubbn ma skin raw
11. I don't want some1 whispering n ma ear...*in deep man voice*....I love u boo
12. Ewww imagine lots of body hair...and 2 men deep breathin....*cringes*
13. Wait whose the girl and whose the guy n the relationship....too much
14. I don't no how 2 vogue....and I aint tryna learn
15. How both us got mustaches tho..... .....anndd...ur hairy ass legs rubbn on ma legs...we be dun started a fire
16. I didn't plan on movin to the safe haven n san fran
17. I rub ya face and madd stubble on it...I can't handle it ...son we usin the same razor
18. I can't b at a concert wit anotha grown ass dude goin 2 see chris brown and he screaming louder than the girls
what team you on???
Thursday, June 18, 2009
communicating with your MARRIED ex etiquette

ok, your ex is now married...what a lame:) ......no matter how in love you guys were, you obviously weren't the one. and although it's gonna be very hard, you gotta let him know you're fine with that. use this as an opportunity to mature and grow your respect for yourself (along with you ex and his union). time to grow and be accountable to the laws of maturity and respect. being a slut jank...totally ushy. (just happened to be listening to vintage destiny child "get on the bus", hotness, kinda goes with this post...go listen, after you read of course). time to be accountable to the laws of maturity and respect kiddies, instead of doing what you want disregarding after effects.
ok, if you wanna be respected, follow directions:
1. no calling/texting or responding to calls/texts after 8p.m. say all you have to say during daylight hours because keep it real, it's something about night time/darkness that brings out a different side in people...kinda like wy clubs and parties are always dimly lit.
2. easy on the rendezvous. naturally, you dont wanna not ever see each other again (so it's gonna 97% be some meeting goings on). i mean, marriage sometimes doesnt automatically erase feelings for other people. but honestly, all that still seeing each other stuff is risky business (and kinda disrespectful to the wife). and the potential of "something happening " (whatever "something" is, usually non-platonic) is higher if you keep seeing each other. keep your respect and chill out, remember, you weren't worthy to be wife, so chill.
3. accept the marriage and move on, which will in turn decrease the commuication to a less frequent, more respectable level. hopefully by now you'e accepted not being the one, so you have more time to mature, remember and stick to your "the one" list, or revise it, and with time, he'll turn up...pinky promise.
ok, if you wanna be respected, follow directions:
1. no calling/texting or responding to calls/texts after 8p.m. say all you have to say during daylight hours because keep it real, it's something about night time/darkness that brings out a different side in people...kinda like wy clubs and parties are always dimly lit.
2. easy on the rendezvous. naturally, you dont wanna not ever see each other again (so it's gonna 97% be some meeting goings on). i mean, marriage sometimes doesnt automatically erase feelings for other people. but honestly, all that still seeing each other stuff is risky business (and kinda disrespectful to the wife). and the potential of "something happening " (whatever "something" is, usually non-platonic) is higher if you keep seeing each other. keep your respect and chill out, remember, you weren't worthy to be wife, so chill.
3. accept the marriage and move on, which will in turn decrease the commuication to a less frequent, more respectable level. hopefully by now you'e accepted not being the one, so you have more time to mature, remember and stick to your "the one" list, or revise it, and with time, he'll turn up...pinky promise.
surprisingly hot
ok...try to look at this all the way through without cracking a smile, i'll give you a cool million...and listen to uncle jerry in the background, sounding disoriented...click link and enjoy!
Story time: The Stinky lady

(This is a true story)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Why Do White People...?

COLLABO: plz join us in our social observation series lol...Volume One: Why Do They Do That? the following apply to not all, but most ;)
1. Why do white people take their precious time crossing the street?...enjoying the breeze, reflecting on life and what not.
2. Why do white people have the worst road rage?...with ammo ready if necessary.
3. Why do white people, well, the chicks, love dancing freaky with each other at the club?...and they be straight chicks too!...tried to get me once, kinda scary.
4. Why do white people find it perfectly ok to talk 0.5 inches in front of your face?...and they totally don't mind having coffee and/or garlic breath...come ooooon, arm length plz.
5. Why do white people refuse to season their food?...taste like bark and earth.
6. Why do white people run their fingers through their hair backwards when they're frustrated?...what's that about? ......matter of fact...it looks like their doing the dougie, lol, peep it
7. Why do white people find it perfectly cool to hop in your conversation, and disregard hints to leave?...you get quiet for a long time, and they expand on the topic...maaan.
..LOL, im done...what you got son-son???
8. Why do white people have to investigate shit?....sometimes its juss betta left alone.
9. Why do white people talk so much?.....juss relax....sometimes shuttn the hell up is a good idea.
10. Why do white people have the best parties?....they go hard wit the alcohol....if u aint never been...prepare yaself...some crazy shit is gon happen.
11. Why do white people allwwayyyss get lost in some kinda ski trip..hiking expediton...huntn trip....juss something crazy?....why is the rest of the world constantly lookn 4 ya ass?
12. Why do white people always have crazy deaths?....bear mauling....cheetah attack.....sky divin accident....killed by a lawn mower...its always something ridiculous....I bet if u look on aol homepage right now!...there's some white person missin or dead n some freak accident.
13. Why do white people always try 2 get u n trouble?...yall love to tell on someone..or "alert the proper authorities"...ever heard of the sayn...snitches get stitches?
14. Why do white people with no rap experience always start they raps off n that old run dmc tone?...like..."my name is chris and im here to say"....please....quit it.
15. Why do white people say..." u wanna go"....or "u wanna piece of me"....when they wanna fight?.....ha-lar-re-us ...................................or, i had to add this fif, "you're dead meat"...lol, what?
16. Why do white people let they kids talk to them any way they want to?....let me even think about comin out ma mouth wrong...and thas it...I aint got no mouth 4 the day.
my white people!...it's all love!!!...blacks, latinos, asians...everybody!...we got you, don't worry :P
1. Why do white people take their precious time crossing the street?...enjoying the breeze, reflecting on life and what not.
2. Why do white people have the worst road rage?...with ammo ready if necessary.
3. Why do white people, well, the chicks, love dancing freaky with each other at the club?...and they be straight chicks too!...tried to get me once, kinda scary.
4. Why do white people find it perfectly ok to talk 0.5 inches in front of your face?...and they totally don't mind having coffee and/or garlic breath...come ooooon, arm length plz.
5. Why do white people refuse to season their food?...taste like bark and earth.
6. Why do white people run their fingers through their hair backwards when they're frustrated?...what's that about? ......matter of fact...it looks like their doing the dougie, lol, peep it
7. Why do white people find it perfectly cool to hop in your conversation, and disregard hints to leave?...you get quiet for a long time, and they expand on the topic...maaan.
..LOL, im done...what you got son-son???
8. Why do white people have to investigate shit?....sometimes its juss betta left alone.
9. Why do white people talk so much?.....juss relax....sometimes shuttn the hell up is a good idea.
10. Why do white people have the best parties?....they go hard wit the alcohol....if u aint never been...prepare yaself...some crazy shit is gon happen.
11. Why do white people allwwayyyss get lost in some kinda ski trip..hiking expediton...huntn trip....juss something crazy?....why is the rest of the world constantly lookn 4 ya ass?
12. Why do white people always have crazy deaths?....bear mauling....cheetah attack.....sky divin accident....killed by a lawn mower...its always something ridiculous....I bet if u look on aol homepage right now!...there's some white person missin or dead n some freak accident.
13. Why do white people always try 2 get u n trouble?...yall love to tell on someone..or "alert the proper authorities"...ever heard of the sayn...snitches get stitches?
14. Why do white people with no rap experience always start they raps off n that old run dmc tone?...like..."my name is chris and im here to say"....please....quit it.
15. Why do white people say..." u wanna go"....or "u wanna piece of me"....when they wanna fight?.....ha-lar-re-us ...................................or, i had to add this fif, "you're dead meat"...lol, what?
16. Why do white people let they kids talk to them any way they want to?....let me even think about comin out ma mouth wrong...and thas it...I aint got no mouth 4 the day.
my white people!...it's all love!!!...blacks, latinos, asians...everybody!...we got you, don't worry :P
have you ever?

1. Have u ever been so sleepy that ull sleep wit all ur clothes on...or ya bed will b full of shit and u juss sleep wit it on the bed...or even juss slide it all on the floor
2. Have u ever been so hungry u wanna throwup
3. Have u ever been so bored that ull play wit toys or any inanimate objects that u see lyin around...the more bored u r the more u really get n2 it...til some1 sees u..and is like....wha the hell r u doin
4. Have u ever been so thirsty that ull drink outa a cup of water on the table thas been there since yesterday
5. Have u ever felt like u were the smartest person n the room....surrounded by idiots n a sense
6. Have u ever wanted to smack the shit outa ya mother.....ehhh ya father is not soooo bad
7. Have u ever wanted to take a picture of something but couldn't never get to ya camera out quite fast enough
8. Have u ever had a job working wit customers (fast food or dept stores)....I swearrrrr they don't no wha they want n life...aren't they the dumbest people imaginable...and don't u have complaints about them the world aint even ready to hear yet
9. Have u ever seen someone so ugly u juss had 2 stare at them......they draw u n to the point where u can't...no won't...turn away
10. Have u ever been n a relationship u knew wasn't gonna work...so u bet urself that it would b over n a certain amount of time
11. Have u ever wanted 2 to take the life of someone who snores
12. Have u ever shared a good laugh wit a stranger....like yall both witness something funny as hell...isn't it great...yall were bestfriends for like 7mins
13. Have u ever had 2 buy something so small but so expensive that u considered juss stealin it
14. Have u ever started eatn something u really wanted...and ya mouth started watern
15. Have u ever been lookin for ur phone...and u find it...right n ur hand
16. Have u ever ripped ur pants n a public settin....funny now....not so much then
17. Have u ever met up wit someone from the internet....and they didn't look exactly like their pic...don't u start thinkn of the shit u gota do all of a sudden
18. Have u ever been dreaming a greattt dream..and the woke up hopin and praying that it was real...and when u figured out it wasn't...u tried to go back to sleep hopin u can dream that same dream...but it never works
19. Have u ever been n ur car and juss need a red light for 2secs so u can reach for something or do something right quick...but u get alllllll the green lights n the world....but let u b n a hurry....str8 red lights the whole way....is this some kinda sick joke
20. Have u ever been walkin...and seen a loose dog....does ur heart stop 4 2 secs...and u start freakn out a lil and u then plan eitha ur escape route or how ur gonna kick the shit outa it if it comes near u
2. Have u ever been so hungry u wanna throwup
3. Have u ever been so bored that ull play wit toys or any inanimate objects that u see lyin around...the more bored u r the more u really get n2 it...til some1 sees u..and is like....wha the hell r u doin
4. Have u ever been so thirsty that ull drink outa a cup of water on the table thas been there since yesterday
5. Have u ever felt like u were the smartest person n the room....surrounded by idiots n a sense
6. Have u ever wanted to smack the shit outa ya mother.....ehhh ya father is not soooo bad
7. Have u ever wanted to take a picture of something but couldn't never get to ya camera out quite fast enough
8. Have u ever had a job working wit customers (fast food or dept stores)....I swearrrrr they don't no wha they want n life...aren't they the dumbest people imaginable...and don't u have complaints about them the world aint even ready to hear yet
9. Have u ever seen someone so ugly u juss had 2 stare at them......they draw u n to the point where u can't...no won't...turn away
10. Have u ever been n a relationship u knew wasn't gonna work...so u bet urself that it would b over n a certain amount of time
11. Have u ever wanted 2 to take the life of someone who snores
12. Have u ever shared a good laugh wit a stranger....like yall both witness something funny as hell...isn't it great...yall were bestfriends for like 7mins
13. Have u ever had 2 buy something so small but so expensive that u considered juss stealin it
14. Have u ever started eatn something u really wanted...and ya mouth started watern
15. Have u ever been lookin for ur phone...and u find it...right n ur hand
16. Have u ever ripped ur pants n a public settin....funny now....not so much then
17. Have u ever met up wit someone from the internet....and they didn't look exactly like their pic...don't u start thinkn of the shit u gota do all of a sudden
18. Have u ever been dreaming a greattt dream..and the woke up hopin and praying that it was real...and when u figured out it wasn't...u tried to go back to sleep hopin u can dream that same dream...but it never works
19. Have u ever been n ur car and juss need a red light for 2secs so u can reach for something or do something right quick...but u get alllllll the green lights n the world....but let u b n a hurry....str8 red lights the whole way....is this some kinda sick joke
20. Have u ever been walkin...and seen a loose dog....does ur heart stop 4 2 secs...and u start freakn out a lil and u then plan eitha ur escape route or how ur gonna kick the shit outa it if it comes near u
5 cut to the chase questions
"what's your favorite color?" and "who's your favorite rapper?" are cute, but make sure you get these questions in: (these are from a woman's perspective, but i guess guys can ask too)
1. are you married? divorced? when was your last relationship? ....assess where he/she may be emotionally
2. have any kids? see them often?....assess his/her level of responsibiliy and how well he/she handles it (screw grammar, no more he/she, im using "their")
3. what school did you go too? (if no school>>>) where do you work?.....assess their stability
4. are you a Christian? Muslim? atheist?.....assess their religious views, which also gives you an assessment of the foundation of their morals
5. who do you stay with?......assess their finances
*BONUS* (if you're bold)
*ever been in jail/prison?....that could be a plus if you're into thuggery
*ever had an std?......sorry, but with how popular infedility is, you gotta ask
the answers to these quesions will give you only a general gist of the type of person you're dealing with. use your own intelligence and intuition to see if the person is worth spending anymore time with.........timeout for "i didn't know he was married," or "i can't believe he stole my credit card."
obliviousness is no longer an excuse.......ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS
1. are you married? divorced? when was your last relationship? ....assess where he/she may be emotionally
2. have any kids? see them often?....assess his/her level of responsibiliy and how well he/she handles it (screw grammar, no more he/she, im using "their")
3. what school did you go too? (if no school>>>) where do you work?.....assess their stability
4. are you a Christian? Muslim? atheist?.....assess their religious views, which also gives you an assessment of the foundation of their morals
5. who do you stay with?......assess their finances
*BONUS* (if you're bold)
*ever been in jail/prison?....that could be a plus if you're into thuggery
*ever had an std?......sorry, but with how popular infedility is, you gotta ask
the answers to these quesions will give you only a general gist of the type of person you're dealing with. use your own intelligence and intuition to see if the person is worth spending anymore time with.........timeout for "i didn't know he was married," or "i can't believe he stole my credit card."
obliviousness is no longer an excuse.......ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
how to tell he's a gentleman:

1. he gives you no more than 2 compliments an outing/date. now, more than 3 gives the impression of a little insecurity, with him believing he must win you over (or get the panties) with tons of compliments...too much is corny.
2. if he stands up to shake your parents' hand...very respectable.
3. he takes you somewhere where the entrees start at around $30...this insinuates he doesn't mind spending a little money on you...kinda generous
4. a couple oldie but goodies, he opens the door for you all the time, not just in front of your folks and he insists on paying for the date...chivalry is never dead
5. and my favorite, and the test a lot of guys actually fail: if yall are walking around somewhere and he purposely guides you to the inside of the sidewalk away from the street, and he walks on the side closest to the street...he is such the gentleman......again, he must do this on purpose, not just happen to already be on the outside
this checklist can actually be completed on the first date...good luck! (oh, p.s. don't waste too much time on lame jokers, they're so unworthy!)
you know what really burns my biscuits???

say you're in a sorority...why is it you can be chillin', say at a beauty parlor, mall, beach, where ever, and somehow it's revealed you're in a sorority through a keychain, handbag, whatever, then a fellow sorority "sister" who's been in the same vacinity as you the past 30 minutes turns into your best friend ever when she notices your sorority 'nelia??? im like, ok, you were walking by each other not even speaking or being polite at first and in seconds you're inseperable???........you know what...girl boo (lol)
Saturday, June 13, 2009

1. Why when there is a grim situation takin place....women and children gota go first?...u think the guys don't wanna live too...I got shit I wanted 2 do tomorrow
2. Why is it that n the news...if something bad happens to a 20yr old..he juss ay boy...but if he doesn't something bad....he's a man?
3. Why is it that every1 contemplates suicide at least once...then thinks there's no real painless why 2 do it..so u figure out ur situation really isn't THAT bad
4. Why is it that when u don't like the same thing eveeryyoneee else likes...they gota make u out to be a crazy person
5. Why is it 2009 and the black people are stillllll dyin off first n the movies?...is this a prerequisite?
6. Why is it that all ur friends have this ONE story that u they tell to everyone yall meet...and its always overexaggurated or some kinda misunderstanding but they feel they gota blow it up..and laugh their life away when they tell it
7. Why is it that spades is such a serious game....and if it aint to u...u must not kno how 2 play...I've seen 4 adults and 3 kids killed over a spades game...re-nig if u want to
8. Why is it that whenever u get a lotto ticket for the million dollar games....u always plan how ur gonna spend the money...but when the numbers come out...u weren't even close
9. Why is it that maury does the same paternity results show every single day.....and it never gets old...when they say "u are not the father" as a guy...don't u feel like he was talkn to u...and u gota jump up n the air and freeze and pose...like n the cartoons.....and girls when they say "u are the father" aint u like..."I knew it"..and juss shake ya head
10. Why is it that all day wednesday u think its thursday...even tho we already told u its wednesday.
11. Why the hell cant u ever find where a rainbow starts...I don't think any ever has....mayb there is a pot of gold somewhere
12. Why is it that ur friend always needs a favor at the worse time...don't u juss get sleepy all of a sudden
13. Why is the hottest new trend .....gettn pregnant...I mean really tho..noone uses condoms or has the decency to pull out any more
14. Why is there someone that u love wit ya heart..but if u could...juss one good time...punch them dead n they face
15. Why is it that when someone else is drivin...and ur n the passenger seat...ur scared as shit of their drivin...its always like they gettn too close to the car n front of them..(u slowly reach for the seatbelt)
16. Why do u know that person that goes to the movies...and has the audacity fall asleep ...don't u juss wanna smack em cross the face..then act like nothing happen
17. Why do people graduate from school...and still don't no shit....usin the wrong words n a sentence and shit...don't no wha shit means....
18. Why is it that when im ridin n ma white friends car...when I first get in the radio is already set on some kinda rock music...but they then change the station 2 hiphop....funny 2 me
19. Why is it that when u watchn a scary movie...u always gota say how much betta u would do n the situation...smh..ya ass would prolly b the first one dead
20. Why do girls stay n shitty abusive relationships....get it together
21. Why are people so anxious to fall in love
22. Why does it piss u off when u see someone wit the same thing u got on
23. Why is it that when someone is tryna figure out the name of a song...and u try to help them...u KNOW wha it is but u can never think of the name right off...u have to sing the hook to urself b4 u can remember it
24. Why is ur phonebook n ur cell full of numbers...but u only talk 2 like 5 or 6 people outa 500
25. Why the hell does ur foot fall asleep....get on ya damn job
26. Why is there always a show...movie.. or even real life situation...that kinda makes u feel embarrassed to be the race that u are
27. Why is spongebob one of the best cartoons ever(does ne1 else wanna whip patricks dumbass)...and why did u watch eurekas castle...david the knome...sesame street..powerrangers...and many other throwback shows....when u look at them now...weren't they the best worst shows ever
28. Why are guys still using pick up lines...and smh@ them tryna hold bottles of alcohol or flashing money (prolly they rent money) or doin other flashy things to show off and get girls attention...desperation?
29. Why does the waitress or waiter @ a restaurant always forget to give u extra napkins....and when's the last time u didn't use a straw when eatin out...isn't it almost disgusting if u don't use one
30. Why when its hot...u get mad so easy....one more word..and u swear ...u gon snap.....and pswewn pswewn..everybody gon die (lol if u don't get that youtube kevin hart on why he can't rap)
31. And why is it that old people can't do shit at a reasonable speed...but take em to bingo and watch them blow ya ass out
32. Why when ur soooooo thirsty...u think about every drink u ever turned down...wasted...threw away..forgot 2 drink.... n ur entire life....(lol might b on ma own on that 1)
Ok...I've gone on wayy to long with this......im out ...piece! Lol
2. Why is it that n the news...if something bad happens to a 20yr old..he juss ay boy...but if he doesn't something bad....he's a man?
3. Why is it that every1 contemplates suicide at least once...then thinks there's no real painless why 2 do it..so u figure out ur situation really isn't THAT bad
4. Why is it that when u don't like the same thing eveeryyoneee else likes...they gota make u out to be a crazy person
5. Why is it 2009 and the black people are stillllll dyin off first n the movies?...is this a prerequisite?
6. Why is it that all ur friends have this ONE story that u they tell to everyone yall meet...and its always overexaggurated or some kinda misunderstanding but they feel they gota blow it up..and laugh their life away when they tell it
7. Why is it that spades is such a serious game....and if it aint to u...u must not kno how 2 play...I've seen 4 adults and 3 kids killed over a spades game...re-nig if u want to
8. Why is it that whenever u get a lotto ticket for the million dollar games....u always plan how ur gonna spend the money...but when the numbers come out...u weren't even close
9. Why is it that maury does the same paternity results show every single day.....and it never gets old...when they say "u are not the father" as a guy...don't u feel like he was talkn to u...and u gota jump up n the air and freeze and pose...like n the cartoons.....and girls when they say "u are the father" aint u like..."I knew it"..and juss shake ya head
10. Why is it that all day wednesday u think its thursday...even tho we already told u its wednesday.
11. Why the hell cant u ever find where a rainbow starts...I don't think any ever has....mayb there is a pot of gold somewhere
12. Why is it that ur friend always needs a favor at the worse time...don't u juss get sleepy all of a sudden
13. Why is the hottest new trend .....gettn pregnant...I mean really tho..noone uses condoms or has the decency to pull out any more
14. Why is there someone that u love wit ya heart..but if u could...juss one good time...punch them dead n they face
15. Why is it that when someone else is drivin...and ur n the passenger seat...ur scared as shit of their drivin...its always like they gettn too close to the car n front of them..(u slowly reach for the seatbelt)
16. Why do u know that person that goes to the movies...and has the audacity fall asleep ...don't u juss wanna smack em cross the face..then act like nothing happen
17. Why do people graduate from school...and still don't no shit....usin the wrong words n a sentence and shit...don't no wha shit means....
18. Why is it that when im ridin n ma white friends car...when I first get in the radio is already set on some kinda rock music...but they then change the station 2 hiphop....funny 2 me
19. Why is it that when u watchn a scary movie...u always gota say how much betta u would do n the situation...smh..ya ass would prolly b the first one dead
20. Why do girls stay n shitty abusive relationships....get it together
21. Why are people so anxious to fall in love
22. Why does it piss u off when u see someone wit the same thing u got on
23. Why is it that when someone is tryna figure out the name of a song...and u try to help them...u KNOW wha it is but u can never think of the name right off...u have to sing the hook to urself b4 u can remember it
24. Why is ur phonebook n ur cell full of numbers...but u only talk 2 like 5 or 6 people outa 500
25. Why the hell does ur foot fall asleep....get on ya damn job
26. Why is there always a show...movie.. or even real life situation...that kinda makes u feel embarrassed to be the race that u are
27. Why is spongebob one of the best cartoons ever(does ne1 else wanna whip patricks dumbass)...and why did u watch eurekas castle...david the knome...sesame street..powerrangers...and many other throwback shows....when u look at them now...weren't they the best worst shows ever
28. Why are guys still using pick up lines...and smh@ them tryna hold bottles of alcohol or flashing money (prolly they rent money) or doin other flashy things to show off and get girls attention...desperation?
29. Why does the waitress or waiter @ a restaurant always forget to give u extra napkins....and when's the last time u didn't use a straw when eatin out...isn't it almost disgusting if u don't use one
30. Why when its hot...u get mad so easy....one more word..and u swear ...u gon snap.....and pswewn pswewn..everybody gon die (lol if u don't get that youtube kevin hart on why he can't rap)
31. And why is it that old people can't do shit at a reasonable speed...but take em to bingo and watch them blow ya ass out
32. Why when ur soooooo thirsty...u think about every drink u ever turned down...wasted...threw away..forgot 2 drink.... n ur entire life....(lol might b on ma own on that 1)
Ok...I've gone on wayy to long with this......im out ...piece! Lol
Friday, June 12, 2009
oooo, comfy
smh.... no wait...lmaoo
1. Smh@u trippn but lmaoo@ lookin around 2 see if any1 saw it
2. Smh@when ur n some kinda public or even professional settn that requires u to turn ur phone on silent...and 3mins afta they say do that....someones phone rings
3. Lmao@u lockin the keys n ur car ...smh@it being any more than once in a month
4. Smh@u wavin at someone who u THOUGHT was wavin at u...but lmao@the person they are wavin at being behind u...and u could've been a actor the way u played it off
5. No wait smh@u callin sendn ur txt to the wrong person...lmaoo@ur reaction as u realize wha u juss did...and its always to that person u REALLY don't wanna talk to
6. No wait lmao@u steppn n a wet spot while ur n ur socks....might as well call ya socks spongebob cuz they have never been so absorbant
7. No wait smh@u for wakin up late for something important....but lmaooo@u jumpn outa ya sleep like a madman and can get dress and out the door n 5mins...when it usually takes a hour
8. Smh@u being the only 1 n ur group that 4get ur ID when yall go out somewhere...but lmao@them thinkn of ways to leave ya ass behind
9. No wait smh@u for tryna 2 hurt someone...lmao@u endn up hurtn urself
10. Smh@u thinkn u could make it to ur destination wit that lil bitty gas u got left n the car.....lmao@ u runnin outa gas
11. Smh@ur keys always bein n some stupid ass place when ur n a hurry to leave....ur pisstivity levels soar
12. smh@u being bout to go out...and u drink so much before u leave....lmao@u being too drunk to even go anymore
13. no wait smh@ u gettn caught n the rain...and u try 2 avoid the big puddles....but it turns out there are none...that "small" puddle u tried to step n but lmaoo@ it turnin out 2 b a fuckn lagoon u step in...now ya damn leg is soaked
14. No wait lmao@ any1 who utters the words "wha the hell happen to u?".....this question is never followed by a story wit a happy ending
15. Smh@u trippn while goin up the stairs....its always dramatic isn't it?
16. Lmao@u accidently bumpin someones car....smh@ u proceeding 2 look around..and slowly speed the hell off
17. Smh@ur grown ass not being able 2 swim...but lmao@u doin the doggie paddle thinkn that ur really not that bad at swimming
18. Smh@some1 havin something on ya face..the wholleee time....but lmao@them tryna get it when u point it out.....they are always waaayyyy off from where u told em it was at...follow directions!
19. Smh@ur lil son/daughter/neice/nephew/cousin epically fallin....but lmao@them epically fallin (afta u see they are ok)...kids are such great fallers
20. Lmao@u trippn over somethin..but smh..when u trip over the same thing twice.....deja vu
21. Smh@girls who can't do a pushup...but lmao@them tryin
22. Smh@girls burnin themselves wit a curlin/flat iron....but lmaoo@the aftermath.....then the words come "wha the hell happen to u?"
23. Smh@people telln u how a movie ended...and u didn't even ask them!
24. Smh@u being scared of something dumb like clowns....or bridges....but lmaoo@ur reaction when u see one......get some grownup fears!
25. Smh@racism...but lmaoo@sterotypes....funny but true!
26. Smh@u showin some1 something u can do real good....but lmaoo@u never gettn it right on the first try ..then they give u that look..like r u serious
27. Smh@u goin to a barber or some1 who does ur hair..that is not ur regular person(cuz they were out that day and u need it done real quick) but they fuck it up soo bad....lmao@the results of that fuckup
28. Smh@u goin out wit that friend who isn't cute at all...but standn next to her makes u look even betta.....but lmao cuz its funny and noticeable
29. Smh@u leavin the shower on 10mins b4 u get n...but lmaooo@all the water is on the floor cuz u didn't realize the way the shower was aimin
30. Smh@u cuttn someone off n traffic...lmaoo@u tryna avoid eye contact wit them when they get a chance 2 pass u again....u lookn everywhere else but @ them
*bonus*.....smh@u havin a convo wit someone u dont even kno.....but lmaoo@u not realizin they were on a bluetooth headset..and u THOUGHT u was havin a convo wit them
2. Smh@when ur n some kinda public or even professional settn that requires u to turn ur phone on silent...and 3mins afta they say do that....someones phone rings
3. Lmao@u lockin the keys n ur car ...smh@it being any more than once in a month
4. Smh@u wavin at someone who u THOUGHT was wavin at u...but lmao@the person they are wavin at being behind u...and u could've been a actor the way u played it off
5. No wait smh@u callin sendn ur txt to the wrong person...lmaoo@ur reaction as u realize wha u juss did...and its always to that person u REALLY don't wanna talk to
6. No wait lmao@u steppn n a wet spot while ur n ur socks....might as well call ya socks spongebob cuz they have never been so absorbant
7. No wait smh@u for wakin up late for something important....but lmaooo@u jumpn outa ya sleep like a madman and can get dress and out the door n 5mins...when it usually takes a hour
8. Smh@u being the only 1 n ur group that 4get ur ID when yall go out somewhere...but lmao@them thinkn of ways to leave ya ass behind
9. No wait smh@u for tryna 2 hurt someone...lmao@u endn up hurtn urself
10. Smh@u thinkn u could make it to ur destination wit that lil bitty gas u got left n the car.....lmao@ u runnin outa gas
11. Smh@ur keys always bein n some stupid ass place when ur n a hurry to leave....ur pisstivity levels soar
12. smh@u being bout to go out...and u drink so much before u leave....lmao@u being too drunk to even go anymore
13. no wait smh@ u gettn caught n the rain...and u try 2 avoid the big puddles....but it turns out there are none...that "small" puddle u tried to step n but lmaoo@ it turnin out 2 b a fuckn lagoon u step in...now ya damn leg is soaked
14. No wait lmao@ any1 who utters the words "wha the hell happen to u?".....this question is never followed by a story wit a happy ending
15. Smh@u trippn while goin up the stairs....its always dramatic isn't it?
16. Lmao@u accidently bumpin someones car....smh@ u proceeding 2 look around..and slowly speed the hell off
17. Smh@ur grown ass not being able 2 swim...but lmao@u doin the doggie paddle thinkn that ur really not that bad at swimming
18. Smh@some1 havin something on ya face..the wholleee time....but lmao@them tryna get it when u point it out.....they are always waaayyyy off from where u told em it was at...follow directions!
19. Smh@ur lil son/daughter/neice/nephew/cousin epically fallin....but lmao@them epically fallin (afta u see they are ok)...kids are such great fallers
20. Lmao@u trippn over somethin..but smh..when u trip over the same thing twice.....deja vu
21. Smh@girls who can't do a pushup...but lmao@them tryin
22. Smh@girls burnin themselves wit a curlin/flat iron....but lmaoo@the aftermath.....then the words come "wha the hell happen to u?"
23. Smh@people telln u how a movie ended...and u didn't even ask them!
24. Smh@u being scared of something dumb like clowns....or bridges....but lmaoo@ur reaction when u see one......get some grownup fears!
25. Smh@racism...but lmaoo@sterotypes....funny but true!
26. Smh@u showin some1 something u can do real good....but lmaoo@u never gettn it right on the first try ..then they give u that look..like r u serious
27. Smh@u goin to a barber or some1 who does ur hair..that is not ur regular person(cuz they were out that day and u need it done real quick) but they fuck it up soo bad....lmao@the results of that fuckup
28. Smh@u goin out wit that friend who isn't cute at all...but standn next to her makes u look even betta.....but lmao cuz its funny and noticeable
29. Smh@u leavin the shower on 10mins b4 u get n...but lmaooo@all the water is on the floor cuz u didn't realize the way the shower was aimin
30. Smh@u cuttn someone off n traffic...lmaoo@u tryna avoid eye contact wit them when they get a chance 2 pass u again....u lookn everywhere else but @ them
*bonus*.....smh@u havin a convo wit someone u dont even kno.....but lmaoo@u not realizin they were on a bluetooth headset..and u THOUGHT u was havin a convo wit them
Thursday, June 11, 2009
here's lookin at you kid ;D

special thanx to you guys who've joined ourtwosense family!!! thanx to Anonymous (es?), Saved Girl ;), anewkindakam, fienesse, and PoliticallyInclinedMind for your $0.02....and our first followers! Markette Cherry, CURTY*, anewkindakam, and Robster =) ........you guys are awesome! and we hope that what we have to say continues to be worth your while, and plz, no, no, PLZ.....keep the change ;)
your dating cheklist, too long?
this piggybacks the previous post. ok, you're 30, dating or not, but still single.....should you start to compromise a few of your standards of what you're looking for in a significant other??? are your standards too unattainable??? are your standards so important you wont mind being single for another 1, 5, 10 years???....just something to think about BlogLand, i have a few more years, thank God.
the older, the weirder???
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
isn't it tho?

1. Isn't it weird how u can go n2 a room filled wit shit....that u may have never even been n b4....but u kno where the wall plugs are
2. Isn't it weird ...how u can have ur back turned towards someone..or even have ur eyes closed....but somehow u feel their presense when they get real close 2 u
3. Isn't it stupid that u can b eatn some food usin ur hand...and u can actually bit the shit outa ur own finger
4. Isn't it scary when ur home alone...and the house is dark...and shit starts lookn like monsters..lol and ya grown ass actually thinks something could juss b in ur house...so u turn on lights for reassurance
5. Isn't it funny and u can wake up...do absolutely nothing allll day....and be tired as hell that night
6. Isn't it great that there is a snooze button on ur clock...but u gota press it 73 times b4 u actually get up
7. Isn't it funny how u can think of something u were bout to say...and juss as soon as u thought of it....u forgot..and it takes a mininum of 30mins to remember wha u were gonna say
8. Isn't it stupid that u will put lotion on ur arms and hands...then have 2 do something again wit water...so it kinda juss defeated the purpose of puttn lotion on ur hands n the first place
9. Isn't it funny that when ur late for work....u will walk n actn like u been there...avoidin as many people as possible
10. Isn't it funny how girls are always assessing other girls...sometimes even b4 they check out the guys
11. Isn't it funny how @ every job...there's that 1 lady....that alllllwaayyyysss talks about somethin...like she always has something 2 talk about...and its usually something u really don't even care about....knitin...her grandson...toothpaste...and she usually talks to u when u really don't feel like talkn.....she's the nicest lady n the world tho
12. Isn't it hilarious 2 u when someone is talkn to u...and they make a "joke"...and u gota do ur best fake laugh...then u turn around...and ur face has never been so serious
13. Isn't it great when u find money n ur pocket purse washer/dryer.....it always comes @ the best time
14. Isn't it horrible...when ur sleep...but u KNOW ur sleep...ur like...awake n ur head...and u try so hard 2 wake urself up...but it takes so much energy outa u...and u hope it doesn't happen again....now that I think about it...its like ur a prisoner n ur own head
15. Isn't it sad that u don't figure out that u drank too much alcohol until its too late
16. Isn't it the worse when u have 1 item without the other...like cereal no milk...meat...but no bread...burgers no buns.......and it usually when u don't feel like goin nowhere
17. Isn't it uncool...when u take a shower...and the steam fogs up the mirror...and u need 2 use the mirror...and u eitha have 2 wait for it to go away...or use ur hand to wipe it of...but it always leaves streaks on the mirror...damn u streaks!
18. Isn't it funny how a guy may not want u...but he don't want u to b wit noone else...wdf?
19. Isn't it wack...how sometimes when u go out wit a group of friends...and every1 is havin fun...cept that one person that u brought...and it makes u uncomfortable that they are being a party pooper
20. Isn't it weird how if u drink soda outa a can it takes forever....but if u pure it n a glass wit ice....it really doesn't last as long
21. Isn't it horrible when ur day @ work can last foooreevverrr (n ma sandlot voice lol if u remember that movie).....and its like u can't focus and u try 2 do work and the minutes are like hours....so u juss bs the wholleee day away
22. Isn't it funny how when ur n class...u have never been so sleepy in ur life....but when u leave the class...u have the most energy ever
23. Isn't it a requirement to procrastinate on all ur work n school?...especially papers and projects
24. Isn't it crazy how girls always take showers that r lava hot
25. Isn't it frustratin when ur comp is movin soooo slow....but I mean...only a couple years ago computers were movin slow and we had no problem wit it....remember aol 3.0...soon its gonna come 2 a point where if u click something and it does not instantly change....then u think u have a slow comp
26. Isn't it the best when ur sheets and blankets juss been cleaned and u juss took a shower ya bed feels the best
27. ....and isn't it always n the morning juss b4 work that ur bed feels like heaven.....but on a day u have no work...it doesn't feel all that special...its actually not even that comfortable at all
28. Isn't it funny that when someone calls u..and they kno who u are but u don't no who they are...soo u kinda juss talk to them and hope u recognize their voice or try 2 get them 2 give u clues who they are without directly askin em
29. Isn't it awkward when ur on the phone wit someone u juss met and noone is talkn...so there's that uncomfortable silence....u have never thought so hard n ur life to find something to talk about..."so wha u doin?"(even tho u just asked that question 5mins ago)
30. Isn't it embarrassing when ur stomach starts puttn on a show and makes all these noises....and its only when someone is around n dead silence
31. Isn't it the worse when someone u don't wanna talk to calls u from a different number....u knew u shouldn't have answered it
32. Isn't it a relief when ur n a room full of people...and someone is musty....and ur not sure if its u...so u gota smell yaself but its not u.........so u gota walk past every1 and sneak and smell them 2 see who it was
33.Isn't it funny that when u gota pee real bad...u can hold it for a certain amount of time....but the closer u get to the toilet...the more u think u can't hold it any more
34. Isn't it the moosssttt awkward situation...if u were havin sex....and u lose the condom lol...and no!..its not n ur immediate area.....someone has 2 turn n2 a gynecologist for like 6mins
Lol okok im done
2. Isn't it weird ...how u can have ur back turned towards someone..or even have ur eyes closed....but somehow u feel their presense when they get real close 2 u
3. Isn't it stupid that u can b eatn some food usin ur hand...and u can actually bit the shit outa ur own finger
4. Isn't it scary when ur home alone...and the house is dark...and shit starts lookn like monsters..lol and ya grown ass actually thinks something could juss b in ur house...so u turn on lights for reassurance
5. Isn't it funny and u can wake up...do absolutely nothing allll day....and be tired as hell that night
6. Isn't it great that there is a snooze button on ur clock...but u gota press it 73 times b4 u actually get up
7. Isn't it funny how u can think of something u were bout to say...and juss as soon as u thought of it....u forgot..and it takes a mininum of 30mins to remember wha u were gonna say
8. Isn't it stupid that u will put lotion on ur arms and hands...then have 2 do something again wit water...so it kinda juss defeated the purpose of puttn lotion on ur hands n the first place
9. Isn't it funny that when ur late for work....u will walk n actn like u been there...avoidin as many people as possible
10. Isn't it funny how girls are always assessing other girls...sometimes even b4 they check out the guys
11. Isn't it funny how @ every job...there's that 1 lady....that alllllwaayyyysss talks about somethin...like she always has something 2 talk about...and its usually something u really don't even care about....knitin...her grandson...toothpaste...and she usually talks to u when u really don't feel like talkn.....she's the nicest lady n the world tho
12. Isn't it hilarious 2 u when someone is talkn to u...and they make a "joke"...and u gota do ur best fake laugh...then u turn around...and ur face has never been so serious
13. Isn't it great when u find money n ur pocket purse washer/dryer.....it always comes @ the best time
14. Isn't it horrible...when ur sleep...but u KNOW ur sleep...ur like...awake n ur head...and u try so hard 2 wake urself up...but it takes so much energy outa u...and u hope it doesn't happen again....now that I think about it...its like ur a prisoner n ur own head
15. Isn't it sad that u don't figure out that u drank too much alcohol until its too late
16. Isn't it the worse when u have 1 item without the other...like cereal no milk...meat...but no bread...burgers no buns.......and it usually when u don't feel like goin nowhere
17. Isn't it uncool...when u take a shower...and the steam fogs up the mirror...and u need 2 use the mirror...and u eitha have 2 wait for it to go away...or use ur hand to wipe it of...but it always leaves streaks on the mirror...damn u streaks!
18. Isn't it funny how a guy may not want u...but he don't want u to b wit noone else...wdf?
19. Isn't it wack...how sometimes when u go out wit a group of friends...and every1 is havin fun...cept that one person that u brought...and it makes u uncomfortable that they are being a party pooper
20. Isn't it weird how if u drink soda outa a can it takes forever....but if u pure it n a glass wit ice....it really doesn't last as long
21. Isn't it horrible when ur day @ work can last foooreevverrr (n ma sandlot voice lol if u remember that movie).....and its like u can't focus and u try 2 do work and the minutes are like hours....so u juss bs the wholleee day away
22. Isn't it funny how when ur n class...u have never been so sleepy in ur life....but when u leave the class...u have the most energy ever
23. Isn't it a requirement to procrastinate on all ur work n school?...especially papers and projects
24. Isn't it crazy how girls always take showers that r lava hot
25. Isn't it frustratin when ur comp is movin soooo slow....but I mean...only a couple years ago computers were movin slow and we had no problem wit it....remember aol 3.0...soon its gonna come 2 a point where if u click something and it does not instantly change....then u think u have a slow comp
26. Isn't it the best when ur sheets and blankets juss been cleaned and u juss took a shower ya bed feels the best
27. ....and isn't it always n the morning juss b4 work that ur bed feels like heaven.....but on a day u have no work...it doesn't feel all that special...its actually not even that comfortable at all
28. Isn't it funny that when someone calls u..and they kno who u are but u don't no who they are...soo u kinda juss talk to them and hope u recognize their voice or try 2 get them 2 give u clues who they are without directly askin em
29. Isn't it awkward when ur on the phone wit someone u juss met and noone is talkn...so there's that uncomfortable silence....u have never thought so hard n ur life to find something to talk about..."so wha u doin?"(even tho u just asked that question 5mins ago)
30. Isn't it embarrassing when ur stomach starts puttn on a show and makes all these noises....and its only when someone is around n dead silence
31. Isn't it the worse when someone u don't wanna talk to calls u from a different number....u knew u shouldn't have answered it
32. Isn't it a relief when ur n a room full of people...and someone is musty....and ur not sure if its u...so u gota smell yaself but its not u.........so u gota walk past every1 and sneak and smell them 2 see who it was
33.Isn't it funny that when u gota pee real bad...u can hold it for a certain amount of time....but the closer u get to the toilet...the more u think u can't hold it any more
34. Isn't it the moosssttt awkward situation...if u were havin sex....and u lose the condom lol...and no!..its not n ur immediate area.....someone has 2 turn n2 a gynecologist for like 6mins
Lol okok im done
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
could've had a V8...
a few years ago, after going to the club, and being THOROUGHLY disappointed in the selection, i told my friend, "you know, there wasnt even a handful of cute people in the club." she then told me, so matter-of-factly, "that's because they don't go to the club, all of the cute people are on dates." i guess that insinuates a lot of rejects pack the clubs, (which makes me look bad being amongst them) and from my recent outings, that is seemingly true. son son, you're always out, would you beg to differ or agree???
itchin for some KK


im am fresh off a celebrity blog addiction, 4 days now, praise God (really). I used to get up in the morning, open a tab for aol, facebook, twitter, then four other major blogs (no free advertising here). i mean, checking four takes enough time, but when you're really bored, you get into this refreshing the page over and over mode, can you say whole day gone somehow??? In the end, i just told myself, ok, enough. You know, people of grand status, middle class, and bums all share having 24hrs in a day, the difference in status arises with what these different people did with their time. the sooner you realize this, the better.
U know what i Hate!!

lol...sorry juss a bunch of random things that really wrinkles my clothes
1. i hate when i lose the remote...that i JUST had
2. i hate when i text someone...then they call me back....wdf!
3. i hate when my phone loses service JUST when im about to make a call
4. i hate when its like 3am....and ur on a dark ass road..not a car in sight...and as ur drivin down the road...u come to a light that turns red just as u get to it...and not only that..the light is like 15mins long...and u wanna run it..but wit ur luck....theres a cop waitin for ya ass
5. i hate when ur speedin down the street...and u see a cop up ahead..and damn near break ya neck tryna slow down...and when u go pass him and look in his car....hes not even payin no attention to u....hes like lookin at some other random shit
6.i hate when im watchin tv..and im kinda n2 it...and theres always something important about to be said or done....and some asshole changes the channel...or u autotuned it for a show that was bout to come on...or u accidently hit the remote......isnt it like that show NEVER comes on again...so for the next time minutes...ur pissed
7. i hate when ur walkin.....and someone else is kinda walkin towards u...and u SEE it comin...u kno wha im talkin about ...."the dance" where yall tango wit each other for 2mins cuz ur both pickin the same direction to try to get around each other
8. i hate when im at the grocery store...and theres "that" lady...who pays wit a fuckn check....seriously? a check tho...its 2009...get a debit card!...and its like the closer in line to that lady u are...the more pissed u are about it......when ur in the back of a line..its not sooooo bad...but when u right behind her (especially when u only got like 2 or 3 items)...wouldnt u juss like to snap her neck......dont u instantly smack ya lips as soon as u see her pull out the checkbook
9. i hate when im kinda drivin slow..like thru a shoppin center or somethin like that...and ur tryin to look at somethin....but theres always a car....thas goin in the opposite direction right pass u...at that exact speed that u are..to the point where they are blockin what u were tryna to look at...and u try to speed up....or slow down...but its always too late.....lol...am i on ma own on this one?
10. i hate waitin on people
11. i hate when people put empty items back in the fridge....wha goes thru their mind as they do this?
12. i hate when u go to the beach....and all those shells are at the shoreline (right where the waves are washin up at).....so its like walkin on glass before u get to the deeper part of the water.....sidenote...I hate seaweed....doesnt it juss creep u out when it brushes against u
13. i hate when im drivin...and traffic is heavy...and theres room for me to get over...and just as i turn my blinker on...the car in the next lane tries to speed up so that u cant get over......(i hope his car blows up)
14. i hate when ur waitin somewhere and someone has their kid wit them...and their kid is all over the place....and they aint doin nothin about it....doesnt it piss u off more when the kid starts messin wit u ......grrrrrr
15. i hate it when people ID you at a store...and ur not expectin it....and u can NEVER get ur ID out in a timely matter....its eitha in the bottom of ur purse...or pocket...and its like ur pullin out receipts...debit cards....everything but the ID card
16. i hate it when the light bulb blows.....im sorry but its always a tendious task to me....cuz its always that ceilin light...that u need 2 chairs...a desk...a small table...and a small dressers to pile on top of each other in some kinda Dr. Sesuss fashion just to reach
17.i hate when someone gets outa the shower...and they leave water alllllll over the floor as if they juss stepped outa the shower and dripped dry ....why do u do this !?
18. i hate when u take a shower...then right after u get out ...lol...u feel that #2 comin.....it juss ruinings ur whole purpose of ur shower
19. i hate when i have to pee....aim at the toliet...and completly miss.....i dont no whats up wit that
20. i hate when i brush my teeth and everything seems ok...but like 10mins later u got that white toothpaste film around the corner of ur mouth....damn u crest!
21. i hate being at the hospital....and it takes 13 hours before someone sees u....are they short handed?...them muthaf*ckas need to hire or somethin...
22. i hate it when its really hot outside but its rainin...and especially if ur in ur car and u have no AC......the worse..cuz u cant roll ya window down...but its so hot that need to
23. i hate when i have some food in the fridge....and allllll day u are thinkin about how good its gonna be....and as soon as u go look for it....someone ate it.......doesnt murder seem feasiable at this point?
24. i hate it when i need gas...and im in a hurry....seems to be the only time u ever need gas
25. i hate it when im at a red light....and its two lanes makin a left hand turn.....and the light that is for cars going str8 turns green....but the guy next to me makes the left hand turn cuz he thought our light turned green.....no wait! i love that....i HATE being that guy that made the left hand turn thinkin it was green
26. i hate when someone is takin blood from u....and then cant find the vein....so they stab u 24 times ...and ur one more stab away from punchn this lady in her face
27. i hate mosquitos...argh....its like once u feel one on u.....u get paranoid and now u feel like bugs keep gettin on u....and really...what is a flies purpose on earth...to piss u off?
28. i hate when they f*ck ma order up at a fast food restaurtant....but u dont realize it til u get home....arent u ready to blow the place up?
29. i hate when i got to sleep mid day...wake up later that night....and dont kno what day it is
30. i hate when i bite the inside of my cheek.....but what i really hate...is when i bite it repeatly....its always 98 more times in that exact same spot
....lol...i could go on and on.....but ima stop here....
wait one last one...i hate when i have ma phone in ma lap while im in the car...and i get out the car....thats the onlllyyyyy time u ever drop ur phone....but it happens every other damn week
oh and i hate when ur waitin for the elevator....and juss as u walk in someone else is walkin out...and only 1 of u get kinda scared..cuz eitha u didnt see it comin or they didnt
1. i hate when i lose the remote...that i JUST had
2. i hate when i text someone...then they call me back....wdf!
3. i hate when my phone loses service JUST when im about to make a call
4. i hate when its like 3am....and ur on a dark ass road..not a car in sight...and as ur drivin down the road...u come to a light that turns red just as u get to it...and not only that..the light is like 15mins long...and u wanna run it..but wit ur luck....theres a cop waitin for ya ass
5. i hate when ur speedin down the street...and u see a cop up ahead..and damn near break ya neck tryna slow down...and when u go pass him and look in his car....hes not even payin no attention to u....hes like lookin at some other random shit
6.i hate when im watchin tv..and im kinda n2 it...and theres always something important about to be said or done....and some asshole changes the channel...or u autotuned it for a show that was bout to come on...or u accidently hit the remote......isnt it like that show NEVER comes on again...so for the next time minutes...ur pissed
7. i hate when ur walkin.....and someone else is kinda walkin towards u...and u SEE it comin...u kno wha im talkin about ...."the dance" where yall tango wit each other for 2mins cuz ur both pickin the same direction to try to get around each other
8. i hate when im at the grocery store...and theres "that" lady...who pays wit a fuckn check....seriously? a check tho...its 2009...get a debit card!...and its like the closer in line to that lady u are...the more pissed u are about it......when ur in the back of a line..its not sooooo bad...but when u right behind her (especially when u only got like 2 or 3 items)...wouldnt u juss like to snap her neck......dont u instantly smack ya lips as soon as u see her pull out the checkbook
9. i hate when im kinda drivin slow..like thru a shoppin center or somethin like that...and ur tryin to look at somethin....but theres always a car....thas goin in the opposite direction right pass u...at that exact speed that u are..to the point where they are blockin what u were tryna to look at...and u try to speed up....or slow down...but its always too late.....lol...am i on ma own on this one?
10. i hate waitin on people
11. i hate when people put empty items back in the fridge....wha goes thru their mind as they do this?
12. i hate when u go to the beach....and all those shells are at the shoreline (right where the waves are washin up at).....so its like walkin on glass before u get to the deeper part of the water.....sidenote...I hate seaweed....doesnt it juss creep u out when it brushes against u
13. i hate when im drivin...and traffic is heavy...and theres room for me to get over...and just as i turn my blinker on...the car in the next lane tries to speed up so that u cant get over......(i hope his car blows up)
14. i hate when ur waitin somewhere and someone has their kid wit them...and their kid is all over the place....and they aint doin nothin about it....doesnt it piss u off more when the kid starts messin wit u ......grrrrrr
15. i hate it when people ID you at a store...and ur not expectin it....and u can NEVER get ur ID out in a timely matter....its eitha in the bottom of ur purse...or pocket...and its like ur pullin out receipts...debit cards....everything but the ID card
16. i hate it when the light bulb blows.....im sorry but its always a tendious task to me....cuz its always that ceilin light...that u need 2 chairs...a desk...a small table...and a small dressers to pile on top of each other in some kinda Dr. Sesuss fashion just to reach
17.i hate when someone gets outa the shower...and they leave water alllllll over the floor as if they juss stepped outa the shower and dripped dry ....why do u do this !?
18. i hate when u take a shower...then right after u get out ...lol...u feel that #2 comin.....it juss ruinings ur whole purpose of ur shower
19. i hate when i have to pee....aim at the toliet...and completly miss.....i dont no whats up wit that
20. i hate when i brush my teeth and everything seems ok...but like 10mins later u got that white toothpaste film around the corner of ur mouth....damn u crest!
21. i hate being at the hospital....and it takes 13 hours before someone sees u....are they short handed?...them muthaf*ckas need to hire or somethin...
22. i hate it when its really hot outside but its rainin...and especially if ur in ur car and u have no AC......the worse..cuz u cant roll ya window down...but its so hot that need to
23. i hate when i have some food in the fridge....and allllll day u are thinkin about how good its gonna be....and as soon as u go look for it....someone ate it.......doesnt murder seem feasiable at this point?
24. i hate it when i need gas...and im in a hurry....seems to be the only time u ever need gas
25. i hate it when im at a red light....and its two lanes makin a left hand turn.....and the light that is for cars going str8 turns green....but the guy next to me makes the left hand turn cuz he thought our light turned green.....no wait! i love that....i HATE being that guy that made the left hand turn thinkin it was green
26. i hate when someone is takin blood from u....and then cant find the vein....so they stab u 24 times ...and ur one more stab away from punchn this lady in her face
27. i hate mosquitos...argh....its like once u feel one on u.....u get paranoid and now u feel like bugs keep gettin on u....and really...what is a flies purpose on earth...to piss u off?
28. i hate when they f*ck ma order up at a fast food restaurtant....but u dont realize it til u get home....arent u ready to blow the place up?
29. i hate when i got to sleep mid day...wake up later that night....and dont kno what day it is
30. i hate when i bite the inside of my cheek.....but what i really hate...is when i bite it repeatly....its always 98 more times in that exact same spot
....lol...i could go on and on.....but ima stop here....
wait one last one...i hate when i have ma phone in ma lap while im in the car...and i get out the car....thats the onlllyyyyy time u ever drop ur phone....but it happens every other damn week
oh and i hate when ur waitin for the elevator....and juss as u walk in someone else is walkin out...and only 1 of u get kinda scared..cuz eitha u didnt see it comin or they didnt
Monday, June 8, 2009
The secret of Guys

Lemme tell u a lil somethin about guys ..(sorry guys)....most guys lie.....but im sure u already kno this.....but alota times..(not all the time)...but when u think he is cheatin or lyin about somethin...more than likely...ur right....guys will tell u NETHING...if they think u will believe it...they will say it....and the worse part is when u call em out on it...then they reallllyyy lie..cuz they are mad u are already on to them.....they will take advantage of u in a heartbeat...im speakin on average...NOT EVERY GUY....guys are not very emotional...we dont really give a hell about alota stuff....i...personally dont hang on to alota stuff...meaning..i dont hold a grudge....girls will let it sit in their head for about a day or 2 before them lash out....which i dont understand.....some guys lie cuz they feel like u wouldnt understand...some guys lie...cuz they they are doin somethin they got no business doin....some guys lie...juss to get some from u....there are endless reasons to lie....but i think its juss cuz guys feel like girls really cant handle it....alota time if a guy cheats.....there is a strong possiblity that he will do it again....its soooo funny to me when i hear a girl tellin stories about wha a guy is doin...cuz its like...i almost kno hes lyin or doin somethin wrong.....and girls can be so gulliable sometimes....smh....its almost sad....alota of times guys say things....they dont fully mean....they juss kinda say wha u wanna hear.....i dunno if its kinda a game to play...or like they feel like they got u...or whateva.....if i was a girl...i wouldnt show tooooo many feelins for him...until he showed it first....u can be mean to a guy....he will come back....i dont think girls realize how much power they can have over a guy.....remember...u gota pay for p*ssy....d*ck is free..........but girls rely on their emotions too much..and thas prolly why u are where u are right now..and feel how u feel about a guy....stop bein stupid....sometimes u gota fight fire wit fire....think like a guy...act like a lady...and im quotin a female friend of mine.....u got soooo much power...fuckin use it.....if u let a guy take advantage of u...trust me...he has nooooo problem doin so........that is all
Watch out for the big girls...

lol....u kno what i like to do from time to time.....i will go to a club....and i will flirt wit some of the worse lookin people in there...i dunno why...mean? maybe a lil......but i juss like to do it...its so funny to me...like they will be sittin down on the side...and ill be on the dancefloor....and i will like do a lil private dance for them...lol...like ill make str8 up eye contact and everything....but then when they try to holla at me....i kinda get a lil mad? lol...*sigh*...fun times
oh...and i went to the club last nite...this guy yo.....the shortest dude on earth who, i think, should have been legally declared as a midget....too funny...i promise u he is like 3'11....lol....ok ok im lyin...maybe he was like 4'11 tops!!!....everytime i go to this club i see this dude....tickles my bones....and then he had the audacity to rap at the end of the nite on the mic ....poor him...i was sittin there thinkin....wha girl is short enough to even talk to him...cuz usually the girl is shorter than the guy.....but seriously...i havent seen even a girl that is shorter than him...dead ass....why did i spend so much time thinkin about his life tho?
oh...and i went to the club last nite...this guy yo.....the shortest dude on earth who, i think, should have been legally declared as a midget....too funny...i promise u he is like 3'11....lol....ok ok im lyin...maybe he was like 4'11 tops!!!....everytime i go to this club i see this dude....tickles my bones....and then he had the audacity to rap at the end of the nite on the mic ....poor him...i was sittin there thinkin....wha girl is short enough to even talk to him...cuz usually the girl is shorter than the guy.....but seriously...i havent seen even a girl that is shorter than him...dead ass....why did i spend so much time thinkin about his life tho?
aaaaaaaahhh, that's nice
sure gonna miss that smile ツ
totally didnt know this would stay on my heart the way it has, there is definitely something im suppose to get out of it...
if things go the way God intended, you know, everyone accept Jesus as their savior so they will have everlasting life, this belief would be more easily acceptable, but there is sin in the world, (which many people actually prefer to live in) and this belief is unfortunately just an ideal. so for some people, funerals are actually sad occasions, spiritually, but whether the person was saved or not, just take try to remember the good memories and lessons you can take from that special person.
r.i.p. to my middle school, random three week boyfriend. maybe it was a good thing we lost contact because i only have good memories.....mr. haynes fussing you out in gym class, you seeing me in the hallway and changing your direction to walk with me, and that smile was worth a million, your whole face lit up, gosh, you were so cute!!! thankfully, i've learned no matter how young, (even middle school), no matter how different, (me from me from 2 parent home, him from unfavorable upbringing), be comfortable enough with who you are to make a strong impact on people's lives, let God's light shine, they'll remember you.
condelensces to all families involved...i loved those three weeks boy, too bad you'll never know
the day i truly start to believe funerals are a celebration of life, thanking God for allowing that very special person to be in your life the time He allowed them to be, and not an occasion primarily of sadness and mourning (though these things are normal reactions, we're human), i will be less reluctant about attending.
if things go the way God intended, you know, everyone accept Jesus as their savior so they will have everlasting life, this belief would be more easily acceptable, but there is sin in the world, (which many people actually prefer to live in) and this belief is unfortunately just an ideal. so for some people, funerals are actually sad occasions, spiritually, but whether the person was saved or not, just take try to remember the good memories and lessons you can take from that special person.
r.i.p. to my middle school, random three week boyfriend. maybe it was a good thing we lost contact because i only have good memories.....mr. haynes fussing you out in gym class, you seeing me in the hallway and changing your direction to walk with me, and that smile was worth a million, your whole face lit up, gosh, you were so cute!!! thankfully, i've learned no matter how young, (even middle school), no matter how different, (me from me from 2 parent home, him from unfavorable upbringing), be comfortable enough with who you are to make a strong impact on people's lives, let God's light shine, they'll remember you.
condelensces to all families involved...i loved those three weeks boy, too bad you'll never know
Sunday, June 7, 2009

One of my loves..besides motorcycles of course...is alcohol...how much do u have to drink before people think u have a problem!? U kno whats funny...its 9 times outa 10 its not even that u have a problem...its that people sike u n2 thinking u have a problem...because they dont drink as much they see u as a achie...then u start doin paranoid shit..juss so u dont have to hear their mouth...u start drinkin by yaself...or hidin the bottle away from them and start sneakin drinks...then its starts to come to a point where u have a problem...but not cuz u had one from the jump....the pushed u into it!
...and also..my favorite thing to talk about...situations that happen when ur drunk =)....U KNOW U ARE DRUNK WHEN!?!?!?.......
1. u gota pee 4394 times....in a 30 time period
2. u could accidently break the most expenisive thing u in house....be PISSED for 30secs..and think to urself....."ill worry about it later"
3. u juss get forgetful as shit....u always gota get ur stuff together b4 u drink..cuz if u do it after...its a rap....the words "what was i lookin for again" will come 2 u alot
4. when u are tryn to explain somethin to ya friends...and noooone knows wha the hell ur talkin about...and in UR mind...u felt like it came out perfect...and they are juss tryna play u
5. when u thinkin to urself...."im drunk as shit" but if someone ask u if ur drunk u always like..."im fine"...or "im good"
6. when ur walkin....and u seem to juss be clumsy as hell all of a sudden...u always seem to snub ur toe...trip over somethin..or the classic...ur shoulder hits a side of the doorway....to everyone else it looks like horrific pain when u do it..but..to u ...u didnt feel a thing
7. when ur tryin plan ur way home...and u forget how to get to ur house...its like u no where its at..but u cant figure out which street it was u was pose to turn on
8. when the ugliest person in the club/bar looks realllly good at this moment....ya standards seem to plummet
9.when u spent 928 at the club...and u juss pay it wit no arguements or questions...."fuck it" comes to mind
10. when u wake up the next mornin...and 4got how u got home...and people always seem to have some story about how crazy u were the other night
11. when u are ready to fight women.. children ...small animals(puppies and kittens)... midgets handicap people...the elderly...people big enough 2 whoop ur ass..ninjas...one legged war vets..pretty much anyone that says or does somethin that U feel was disrespectful...but at that stage...it could be anything
12. when u think u can do shit...that u couldnt do sober...ie backflips...skate...jump off shit...and u new it was a bad idea b4 u even started
13. when ur vision is so blurry....u may almost think u need glasses for the time being
14. when ur try to tell a story...and at the beginning...u new wha u were gonna say...but mid-way u kinda blanked out...and then juss kinda freestyle the end of the story to the point where u forgot the point u were tryn to make in the first place
15. when people start to treatn u like a puppy...cuz u dooo be gettin distracted alot...and someone always has to watch u..make sure u aint gettn n2 nothin...and theres will be that one person whose always standin in ur face tryna to get u to "get it together"...and u KNOW they are right..but logic? reason? are those people? u dont no who or what those words are at that point
...and also..my favorite thing to talk about...situations that happen when ur drunk =)....U KNOW U ARE DRUNK WHEN!?!?!?.......
1. u gota pee 4394 times....in a 30 time period
2. u could accidently break the most expenisive thing u in house....be PISSED for 30secs..and think to urself....."ill worry about it later"
3. u juss get forgetful as shit....u always gota get ur stuff together b4 u drink..cuz if u do it after...its a rap....the words "what was i lookin for again" will come 2 u alot
4. when u are tryn to explain somethin to ya friends...and noooone knows wha the hell ur talkin about...and in UR mind...u felt like it came out perfect...and they are juss tryna play u
5. when u thinkin to urself...."im drunk as shit" but if someone ask u if ur drunk u always like..."im fine"...or "im good"
6. when ur walkin....and u seem to juss be clumsy as hell all of a sudden...u always seem to snub ur toe...trip over somethin..or the classic...ur shoulder hits a side of the doorway....to everyone else it looks like horrific pain when u do it..but..to u ...u didnt feel a thing
7. when ur tryin plan ur way home...and u forget how to get to ur house...its like u no where its at..but u cant figure out which street it was u was pose to turn on
8. when the ugliest person in the club/bar looks realllly good at this moment....ya standards seem to plummet
9.when u spent 928 at the club...and u juss pay it wit no arguements or questions...."fuck it" comes to mind
10. when u wake up the next mornin...and 4got how u got home...and people always seem to have some story about how crazy u were the other night
11. when u are ready to fight women.. children ...small animals(puppies and kittens)... midgets handicap people...the elderly...people big enough 2 whoop ur ass..ninjas...one legged war vets..pretty much anyone that says or does somethin that U feel was disrespectful...but at that stage...it could be anything
12. when u think u can do shit...that u couldnt do sober...ie backflips...skate...jump off shit...and u new it was a bad idea b4 u even started
13. when ur vision is so blurry....u may almost think u need glasses for the time being
14. when ur try to tell a story...and at the beginning...u new wha u were gonna say...but mid-way u kinda blanked out...and then juss kinda freestyle the end of the story to the point where u forgot the point u were tryn to make in the first place
15. when people start to treatn u like a puppy...cuz u dooo be gettin distracted alot...and someone always has to watch u..make sure u aint gettn n2 nothin...and theres will be that one person whose always standin in ur face tryna to get u to "get it together"...and u KNOW they are right..but logic? reason? are those people? u dont no who or what those words are at that point
be careful...

so i was reading my sister's blog the other day (she's fresh out of a toxic relationship, thank God) and in one of her posts, she has this quote, "be careful who you give your heart to, because they may not give it back,"......powerful indeed. in your life you will get one, maybe two people max who are heart stealers (unless you are weak and give your heart to anyone all willy nilly). when this happens, it will take 1) some serious soul-searching and growth within yourself and 2) someone soooo amazing to make you forget about that person for you to move on completely...aaaahhh, the bittersweetness of love...im with my friend on this one, hold off a while on that being head over heels and so smitten to the point of no return...take it easy, and if you do date, do so with a purpose
Body heat! ugh

quick question......is it me.....or when ur laying wit ur significate other at night..(and it only seems to happen at nite).....but...when they lay on you....do they say "flame on" as they do that?...cuz it always seems like when someone lays on me...their body juss gets hotter and hotter..and then i get hot..and annoyed...and its like u wanna push them off of u ....but u dont wanna be mean...so then u start thinkin of cool shit like...water..and a nice summer breeze...and swimming pools...nething that will juss cool u down....but u can only take it so long b4 u juss got to get them up off u....it then feels like the definition of relief....
All of it is underage marriage

Ok so..since this is my first blog...im juss going hard on it...one thing i am just horrendously against and just really burns my popcorn....is people gettin married too early....maybe after a year or two......or being in their early twenties and tryin to get married....jesus balls christ....i hateeeee even hearing about it...my mind can not fathom the idea....if ur in love...be in love...i dont understand why gettin married so early makes it sooooo much more official.....i dont think u should even think about marriage til ur in ur lateeeee twenties early thirties....and even then u should have been together a good 4 years.....most marriages dont even last ....so why do u wanna be 22 and divorced....it makes no sense...everytime i hear it....i play this lil game in ma head and i think...hmmm....ill give them max. 2years before they are divorced....to everyone thinkin about gettin married early...dont do it...u have ur whole life ahead of you.....chill!
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