To be the most loved man in the world, but the loneliest man in the world at the same time…ironic
Unfortunately, it took Michael’s death to really put back into perspective what great is, and no one since him has had ANYTHING on him……if you say anyone can hold a candle to him would actually be disrespectful...and that's not the sad talkin, it's so for real
Stop using the word “genius” and “phenomenal” so loosely…ughk
Isn’t it crazy people could say Mike is the best that ever did it and there will never be anyone greater, and actually mean it 100%, not even knowing who’s coming in the future….but I totally agree
How is it the videos and spectacularness that Michael has accomplished in the freakin’ 70s and 80s has not been outdone in the new millennium, with all the technology out now……..I guess none of that matters if you’re not Michael Jackson
Mike was so ahead of his time that artists of the future are still behind…case and point, no one has out done Mike yet!...THRILLER???...MATCHLESS!!!!!!
Do you think getting a black president in exchange for Mike is a square deal??? maaaaaan
A Florida Evans “damn” moment is sooooo called for right now
Michael is so fine in the thriller video, maaan, especially the little acting parts where you can really get a good look at him, that smile tho???...oooo, and he was tall and skinny too, my kinda brotha!
I think it's kinda mean to think "God, why not some other Jackson brother?" but i think it a little :( .....but only Mike would've gotten this reaction and had this impact on people's lives, impact for the better for a lot of people, so I thank God for that
I'm waiting for Obama to release a statement, and if he doesn't, he's on my bad list for about a week
I kinda want the fourth thursday of june to be an international holiday...ok, im OD-ing...lol
Isn't Mike the coolest, sweetest, meekest weirdo you'll ever know??? so lovably weird
You know, I’m gonna start an industry on the psychology of mourning a celeb in the media…my main foundation of this branch of study….(I’m serious)...1) no slow music in remembrance of the celeb, that just saddens people even more…….2)no “year born-year died” captions, really confirms the death…..3)no obvious or subtle bad talk about the person, tasteless……….you can do all this stuff, but wait at least 1 week, don’t give people anything confirming death, gotta psych the mind a little
I swear the media is at least 40% responsible for Mike's death, such vultures
I kinda hope Beyonce scraps her whole show and make it a MJ tribute (I'm going tomorrow)…she has the same performance spirit as Mike, no doubt, but the depth of her songs are baby dribble compared to Mike Jack!!!...kinda disrespcetful??? yes, am i playing? NO
A piece of the earth has broken off and can never be replaced...yeah, Mike's that major
I know Chris Brown and Chris Tucker are barfing right now
Isn’t it kinda weird to go back and look at what people were doing minutes before the news broke?…What were their facebook statuses? What were they talking about? What were they doing?....all while being oblivious to MICHAEL JACKSON dying at those very moments….craaaaazy
Doesn't MJ execute the whole skinny jeans/fitted clothes look so perfectly...he so pioneered that!
I can go on and on, but I just have this lost, confused, weirdo feeling that is really bothering me….I’m actually trying to overexpose myself with his news so my brain can tell me, ok, this is played out so, you know, it can get old to me and im forced to quickly accept it...it's hard tho…..just a little psychology game I’m playing...whatever it takes...(((totally blasting his music all weekend!!!...probably start singing MJ songs at the concert, soooo in my own world ...everyone looking at me concerned...lol)))
man i love mike jack...
There is no comparison simply for the fact that the music Michael put out for so many years is completely different than what we listen to now. That music is classic and what is on the radio now is only for the moment. Videos then were simple except for his mini movies but that just goes to show the creativity level then and now. That's when people loved a good video. Its two different eras and for that, you just can't compare. If Obama doesn't make a statement, I won't be mad. He is black but that doesn't make him obligated to get out there and say...what exactly? The same thing they are going to say at his funeral...and the BET awards....
This was very thought out and very well placed... What you said about peoples statuses before his death is so true because just two days prior he was in the best shape of his life. That's kind of a misleading shock that in 48 hrs a persons health that was known to be strong as an ox can decline so drastically... No rainbow but i love MJ too and i've also heard since his passing 12 ppl committed suicide... Now thats crazy. I'm glad Janet had the strength and composure to be at the B.E.T. awards. He will forever live on in us all...
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