lol...sorry juss a bunch of random things that really wrinkles my clothes
1. i hate when i lose the remote...that i JUST had
2. i hate when i text someone...then they call me back....wdf!
3. i hate when my phone loses service JUST when im about to make a call
4. i hate when its like 3am....and ur on a dark ass road..not a car in sight...and as ur drivin down the road...u come to a light that turns red just as u get to it...and not only that..the light is like 15mins long...and u wanna run it..but wit ur luck....theres a cop waitin for ya ass
5. i hate when ur speedin down the street...and u see a cop up ahead..and damn near break ya neck tryna slow down...and when u go pass him and look in his car....hes not even payin no attention to u....hes like lookin at some other random shit
6.i hate when im watchin tv..and im kinda n2 it...and theres always something important about to be said or done....and some asshole changes the channel...or u autotuned it for a show that was bout to come on...or u accidently hit the remote......isnt it like that show NEVER comes on again...so for the next time minutes...ur pissed
7. i hate when ur walkin.....and someone else is kinda walkin towards u...and u SEE it comin...u kno wha im talkin about ...."the dance" where yall tango wit each other for 2mins cuz ur both pickin the same direction to try to get around each other
8. i hate when im at the grocery store...and theres "that" lady...who pays wit a fuckn check....seriously? a check tho...its 2009...get a debit card!...and its like the closer in line to that lady u are...the more pissed u are about it......when ur in the back of a line..its not sooooo bad...but when u right behind her (especially when u only got like 2 or 3 items)...wouldnt u juss like to snap her neck......dont u instantly smack ya lips as soon as u see her pull out the checkbook
9. i hate when im kinda drivin slow..like thru a shoppin center or somethin like that...and ur tryin to look at somethin....but theres always a car....thas goin in the opposite direction right pass u...at that exact speed that u are..to the point where they are blockin what u were tryna to look at...and u try to speed up....or slow down...but its always too late.....lol...am i on ma own on this one?
10. i hate waitin on people
11. i hate when people put empty items back in the fridge....wha goes thru their mind as they do this?
12. i hate when u go to the beach....and all those shells are at the shoreline (right where the waves are washin up at).....so its like walkin on glass before u get to the deeper part of the water.....sidenote...I hate seaweed....doesnt it juss creep u out when it brushes against u
13. i hate when im drivin...and traffic is heavy...and theres room for me to get over...and just as i turn my blinker on...the car in the next lane tries to speed up so that u cant get over......(i hope his car blows up)
14. i hate when ur waitin somewhere and someone has their kid wit them...and their kid is all over the place....and they aint doin nothin about it....doesnt it piss u off more when the kid starts messin wit u ......grrrrrr
15. i hate it when people ID you at a store...and ur not expectin it....and u can NEVER get ur ID out in a timely matter....its eitha in the bottom of ur purse...or pocket...and its like ur pullin out receipts...debit cards....everything but the ID card
16. i hate it when the light bulb blows.....im sorry but its always a tendious task to me....cuz its always that ceilin light...that u need 2 chairs...a desk...a small table...and a small dressers to pile on top of each other in some kinda Dr. Sesuss fashion just to reach
17.i hate when someone gets outa the shower...and they leave water alllllll over the floor as if they juss stepped outa the shower and dripped dry ....why do u do this !?
18. i hate when u take a shower...then right after u get out ...lol...u feel that #2 comin.....it juss ruinings ur whole purpose of ur shower
19. i hate when i have to pee....aim at the toliet...and completly miss.....i dont no whats up wit that
20. i hate when i brush my teeth and everything seems ok...but like 10mins later u got that white toothpaste film around the corner of ur mouth....damn u crest!
21. i hate being at the hospital....and it takes 13 hours before someone sees u....are they short handed?...them muthaf*ckas need to hire or somethin...
22. i hate it when its really hot outside but its rainin...and especially if ur in ur car and u have no AC......the worse..cuz u cant roll ya window down...but its so hot that need to
23. i hate when i have some food in the fridge....and allllll day u are thinkin about how good its gonna be....and as soon as u go look for it....someone ate it.......doesnt murder seem feasiable at this point?
24. i hate it when i need gas...and im in a hurry....seems to be the only time u ever need gas
25. i hate it when im at a red light....and its two lanes makin a left hand turn.....and the light that is for cars going str8 turns green....but the guy next to me makes the left hand turn cuz he thought our light turned green.....no wait! i love that....i HATE being that guy that made the left hand turn thinkin it was green
26. i hate when someone is takin blood from u....and then cant find the vein....so they stab u 24 times ...and ur one more stab away from punchn this lady in her face
27. i hate mosquitos...argh....its like once u feel one on u.....u get paranoid and now u feel like bugs keep gettin on u....and really...what is a flies purpose on earth...to piss u off?
28. i hate when they f*ck ma order up at a fast food restaurtant....but u dont realize it til u get home....arent u ready to blow the place up?
29. i hate when i got to sleep mid day...wake up later that night....and dont kno what day it is
30. i hate when i bite the inside of my cheek.....but what i really hate...is when i bite it repeatly....its always 98 more times in that exact same spot
....lol...i could go on and on.....but ima stop here....
wait one last one...i hate when i have ma phone in ma lap while im in the car...and i get out the car....thats the onlllyyyyy time u ever drop ur phone....but it happens every other damn week
oh and i hate when ur waitin for the elevator....and juss as u walk in someone else is walkin out...and only 1 of u get kinda scared..cuz eitha u didnt see it comin or they didnt
1. i hate when i lose the remote...that i JUST had
2. i hate when i text someone...then they call me back....wdf!
3. i hate when my phone loses service JUST when im about to make a call
4. i hate when its like 3am....and ur on a dark ass road..not a car in sight...and as ur drivin down the road...u come to a light that turns red just as u get to it...and not only that..the light is like 15mins long...and u wanna run it..but wit ur luck....theres a cop waitin for ya ass
5. i hate when ur speedin down the street...and u see a cop up ahead..and damn near break ya neck tryna slow down...and when u go pass him and look in his car....hes not even payin no attention to u....hes like lookin at some other random shit
6.i hate when im watchin tv..and im kinda n2 it...and theres always something important about to be said or done....and some asshole changes the channel...or u autotuned it for a show that was bout to come on...or u accidently hit the remote......isnt it like that show NEVER comes on again...so for the next time minutes...ur pissed
7. i hate when ur walkin.....and someone else is kinda walkin towards u...and u SEE it comin...u kno wha im talkin about ...."the dance" where yall tango wit each other for 2mins cuz ur both pickin the same direction to try to get around each other
8. i hate when im at the grocery store...and theres "that" lady...who pays wit a fuckn check....seriously? a check tho...its 2009...get a debit card!...and its like the closer in line to that lady u are...the more pissed u are about it......when ur in the back of a line..its not sooooo bad...but when u right behind her (especially when u only got like 2 or 3 items)...wouldnt u juss like to snap her neck......dont u instantly smack ya lips as soon as u see her pull out the checkbook
9. i hate when im kinda drivin slow..like thru a shoppin center or somethin like that...and ur tryin to look at somethin....but theres always a car....thas goin in the opposite direction right pass u...at that exact speed that u are..to the point where they are blockin what u were tryna to look at...and u try to speed up....or slow down...but its always too late.....lol...am i on ma own on this one?
10. i hate waitin on people
11. i hate when people put empty items back in the fridge....wha goes thru their mind as they do this?
12. i hate when u go to the beach....and all those shells are at the shoreline (right where the waves are washin up at).....so its like walkin on glass before u get to the deeper part of the water.....sidenote...I hate seaweed....doesnt it juss creep u out when it brushes against u
13. i hate when im drivin...and traffic is heavy...and theres room for me to get over...and just as i turn my blinker on...the car in the next lane tries to speed up so that u cant get over......(i hope his car blows up)
14. i hate when ur waitin somewhere and someone has their kid wit them...and their kid is all over the place....and they aint doin nothin about it....doesnt it piss u off more when the kid starts messin wit u ......grrrrrr
15. i hate it when people ID you at a store...and ur not expectin it....and u can NEVER get ur ID out in a timely matter....its eitha in the bottom of ur purse...or pocket...and its like ur pullin out receipts...debit cards....everything but the ID card
16. i hate it when the light bulb blows.....im sorry but its always a tendious task to me....cuz its always that ceilin light...that u need 2 chairs...a desk...a small table...and a small dressers to pile on top of each other in some kinda Dr. Sesuss fashion just to reach
17.i hate when someone gets outa the shower...and they leave water alllllll over the floor as if they juss stepped outa the shower and dripped dry ....why do u do this !?
18. i hate when u take a shower...then right after u get out ...lol...u feel that #2 comin.....it juss ruinings ur whole purpose of ur shower
19. i hate when i have to pee....aim at the toliet...and completly miss.....i dont no whats up wit that
20. i hate when i brush my teeth and everything seems ok...but like 10mins later u got that white toothpaste film around the corner of ur mouth....damn u crest!
21. i hate being at the hospital....and it takes 13 hours before someone sees u....are they short handed?...them muthaf*ckas need to hire or somethin...
22. i hate it when its really hot outside but its rainin...and especially if ur in ur car and u have no AC......the worse..cuz u cant roll ya window down...but its so hot that need to
23. i hate when i have some food in the fridge....and allllll day u are thinkin about how good its gonna be....and as soon as u go look for it....someone ate it.......doesnt murder seem feasiable at this point?
24. i hate it when i need gas...and im in a hurry....seems to be the only time u ever need gas
25. i hate it when im at a red light....and its two lanes makin a left hand turn.....and the light that is for cars going str8 turns green....but the guy next to me makes the left hand turn cuz he thought our light turned green.....no wait! i love that....i HATE being that guy that made the left hand turn thinkin it was green
26. i hate when someone is takin blood from u....and then cant find the vein....so they stab u 24 times ...and ur one more stab away from punchn this lady in her face
27. i hate mosquitos...argh....its like once u feel one on u.....u get paranoid and now u feel like bugs keep gettin on u....and really...what is a flies purpose on earth...to piss u off?
28. i hate when they f*ck ma order up at a fast food restaurtant....but u dont realize it til u get home....arent u ready to blow the place up?
29. i hate when i got to sleep mid day...wake up later that night....and dont kno what day it is
30. i hate when i bite the inside of my cheek.....but what i really hate...is when i bite it repeatly....its always 98 more times in that exact same spot
....lol...i could go on and on.....but ima stop here....
wait one last one...i hate when i have ma phone in ma lap while im in the car...and i get out the car....thats the onlllyyyyy time u ever drop ur phone....but it happens every other damn week
oh and i hate when ur waitin for the elevator....and juss as u walk in someone else is walkin out...and only 1 of u get kinda scared..cuz eitha u didnt see it comin or they didnt
8 is my mom, 9 yes!, 17 ugh,disgusting, 18 lol, 24 yes!, 29 lol, 30 yes!
LOL at all of these. I especially feel you on the "can't find a vein and wanting to punch the nurse" at the hospital. I got sickle cell and can relate. thanks for the laugh. Love your blog.
LMAO at this post!!! Especially the checkbook lady at the store, and you wishing the car on the other lane would blow up for not letting you change lanes.
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