1. Why when there is a grim situation takin place....women and children gota go first?...u think the guys don't wanna live too...I got shit I wanted 2 do tomorrow
2. Why is it that n the news...if something bad happens to a 20yr old..he juss ay boy...but if he doesn't something bad....he's a man?
3. Why is it that every1 contemplates suicide at least once...then thinks there's no real painless why 2 do it..so u figure out ur situation really isn't THAT bad
4. Why is it that when u don't like the same thing eveeryyoneee else likes...they gota make u out to be a crazy person
5. Why is it 2009 and the black people are stillllll dyin off first n the movies?...is this a prerequisite?
6. Why is it that all ur friends have this ONE story that u they tell to everyone yall meet...and its always overexaggurated or some kinda misunderstanding but they feel they gota blow it up..and laugh their life away when they tell it
7. Why is it that spades is such a serious game....and if it aint to u...u must not kno how 2 play...I've seen 4 adults and 3 kids killed over a spades game...re-nig if u want to
8. Why is it that whenever u get a lotto ticket for the million dollar games....u always plan how ur gonna spend the money...but when the numbers come out...u weren't even close
9. Why is it that maury does the same paternity results show every single day.....and it never gets old...when they say "u are not the father" as a guy...don't u feel like he was talkn to u...and u gota jump up n the air and freeze and pose...like n the cartoons.....and girls when they say "u are the father" aint u like..."I knew it"..and juss shake ya head
10. Why is it that all day wednesday u think its thursday...even tho we already told u its wednesday.
11. Why the hell cant u ever find where a rainbow starts...I don't think any ever has....mayb there is a pot of gold somewhere
12. Why is it that ur friend always needs a favor at the worse time...don't u juss get sleepy all of a sudden
13. Why is the hottest new trend .....gettn pregnant...I mean really tho..noone uses condoms or has the decency to pull out any more
14. Why is there someone that u love wit ya heart..but if u could...juss one good time...punch them dead n they face
15. Why is it that when someone else is drivin...and ur n the passenger seat...ur scared as shit of their drivin...its always like they gettn too close to the car n front of them..(u slowly reach for the seatbelt)
16. Why do u know that person that goes to the movies...and has the audacity fall asleep ...don't u juss wanna smack em cross the face..then act like nothing happen
17. Why do people graduate from school...and still don't no shit....usin the wrong words n a sentence and shit...don't no wha shit means....
18. Why is it that when im ridin n ma white friends car...when I first get in the radio is already set on some kinda rock music...but they then change the station 2 hiphop....funny 2 me
19. Why is it that when u watchn a scary movie...u always gota say how much betta u would do n the situation...smh..ya ass would prolly b the first one dead
20. Why do girls stay n shitty abusive relationships....get it together
21. Why are people so anxious to fall in love
22. Why does it piss u off when u see someone wit the same thing u got on
23. Why is it that when someone is tryna figure out the name of a song...and u try to help them...u KNOW wha it is but u can never think of the name right off...u have to sing the hook to urself b4 u can remember it
24. Why is ur phonebook n ur cell full of numbers...but u only talk 2 like 5 or 6 people outa 500
25. Why the hell does ur foot fall asleep....get on ya damn job
26. Why is there always a show...movie.. or even real life situation...that kinda makes u feel embarrassed to be the race that u are
27. Why is spongebob one of the best cartoons ever(does ne1 else wanna whip patricks dumbass)...and why did u watch eurekas castle...david the knome...sesame street..powerrangers...and many other throwback shows....when u look at them now...weren't they the best worst shows ever
28. Why are guys still using pick up lines...and smh@ them tryna hold bottles of alcohol or flashing money (prolly they rent money) or doin other flashy things to show off and get girls attention...desperation?
29. Why does the waitress or waiter @ a restaurant always forget to give u extra napkins....and when's the last time u didn't use a straw when eatin out...isn't it almost disgusting if u don't use one
30. Why when its hot...u get mad so easy....one more word..and u swear ...u gon snap.....and pswewn pswewn..everybody gon die (lol if u don't get that youtube kevin hart on why he can't rap)
31. And why is it that old people can't do shit at a reasonable speed...but take em to bingo and watch them blow ya ass out
32. Why when ur soooooo thirsty...u think about every drink u ever turned down...wasted...threw away..forgot 2 drink.... n ur entire life....(lol might b on ma own on that 1)
Ok...I've gone on wayy to long with this......im out ...piece! Lol
2. Why is it that n the news...if something bad happens to a 20yr old..he juss ay boy...but if he doesn't something bad....he's a man?
3. Why is it that every1 contemplates suicide at least once...then thinks there's no real painless why 2 do it..so u figure out ur situation really isn't THAT bad
4. Why is it that when u don't like the same thing eveeryyoneee else likes...they gota make u out to be a crazy person
5. Why is it 2009 and the black people are stillllll dyin off first n the movies?...is this a prerequisite?
6. Why is it that all ur friends have this ONE story that u they tell to everyone yall meet...and its always overexaggurated or some kinda misunderstanding but they feel they gota blow it up..and laugh their life away when they tell it
7. Why is it that spades is such a serious game....and if it aint to u...u must not kno how 2 play...I've seen 4 adults and 3 kids killed over a spades game...re-nig if u want to
8. Why is it that whenever u get a lotto ticket for the million dollar games....u always plan how ur gonna spend the money...but when the numbers come out...u weren't even close
9. Why is it that maury does the same paternity results show every single day.....and it never gets old...when they say "u are not the father" as a guy...don't u feel like he was talkn to u...and u gota jump up n the air and freeze and pose...like n the cartoons.....and girls when they say "u are the father" aint u like..."I knew it"..and juss shake ya head
10. Why is it that all day wednesday u think its thursday...even tho we already told u its wednesday.
11. Why the hell cant u ever find where a rainbow starts...I don't think any ever has....mayb there is a pot of gold somewhere
12. Why is it that ur friend always needs a favor at the worse time...don't u juss get sleepy all of a sudden
13. Why is the hottest new trend .....gettn pregnant...I mean really tho..noone uses condoms or has the decency to pull out any more
14. Why is there someone that u love wit ya heart..but if u could...juss one good time...punch them dead n they face
15. Why is it that when someone else is drivin...and ur n the passenger seat...ur scared as shit of their drivin...its always like they gettn too close to the car n front of them..(u slowly reach for the seatbelt)
16. Why do u know that person that goes to the movies...and has the audacity fall asleep ...don't u juss wanna smack em cross the face..then act like nothing happen
17. Why do people graduate from school...and still don't no shit....usin the wrong words n a sentence and shit...don't no wha shit means....
18. Why is it that when im ridin n ma white friends car...when I first get in the radio is already set on some kinda rock music...but they then change the station 2 hiphop....funny 2 me
19. Why is it that when u watchn a scary movie...u always gota say how much betta u would do n the situation...smh..ya ass would prolly b the first one dead
20. Why do girls stay n shitty abusive relationships....get it together
21. Why are people so anxious to fall in love
22. Why does it piss u off when u see someone wit the same thing u got on
23. Why is it that when someone is tryna figure out the name of a song...and u try to help them...u KNOW wha it is but u can never think of the name right off...u have to sing the hook to urself b4 u can remember it
24. Why is ur phonebook n ur cell full of numbers...but u only talk 2 like 5 or 6 people outa 500
25. Why the hell does ur foot fall asleep....get on ya damn job
26. Why is there always a show...movie.. or even real life situation...that kinda makes u feel embarrassed to be the race that u are
27. Why is spongebob one of the best cartoons ever(does ne1 else wanna whip patricks dumbass)...and why did u watch eurekas castle...david the knome...sesame street..powerrangers...and many other throwback shows....when u look at them now...weren't they the best worst shows ever
28. Why are guys still using pick up lines...and smh@ them tryna hold bottles of alcohol or flashing money (prolly they rent money) or doin other flashy things to show off and get girls attention...desperation?
29. Why does the waitress or waiter @ a restaurant always forget to give u extra napkins....and when's the last time u didn't use a straw when eatin out...isn't it almost disgusting if u don't use one
30. Why when its hot...u get mad so easy....one more word..and u swear ...u gon snap.....and pswewn pswewn..everybody gon die (lol if u don't get that youtube kevin hart on why he can't rap)
31. And why is it that old people can't do shit at a reasonable speed...but take em to bingo and watch them blow ya ass out
32. Why when ur soooooo thirsty...u think about every drink u ever turned down...wasted...threw away..forgot 2 drink.... n ur entire life....(lol might b on ma own on that 1)
Ok...I've gone on wayy to long with this......im out ...piece! Lol
#1 and 30 is hilarious! if nobody else is highly entertained, I am sitting at this boring ass job crying laughing! Thanx for this!
#1 is classic...no need to go on...LMAO! "I got stuff I wanna do tomorrow"...LOLOLOL.
#3 is funny as hell! lol. #1 too
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