One of my loves..besides motorcycles of course...is alcohol...how much do u have to drink before people think u have a problem!? U kno whats funny...its 9 times outa 10 its not even that u have a problem...its that people sike u n2 thinking u have a problem...because they dont drink as much they see u as a achie...then u start doin paranoid shit..juss so u dont have to hear their mouth...u start drinkin by yaself...or hidin the bottle away from them and start sneakin drinks...then its starts to come to a point where u have a problem...but not cuz u had one from the jump....the pushed u into it!
...and also..my favorite thing to talk about...situations that happen when ur drunk =)....U KNOW U ARE DRUNK WHEN!?!?!?.......
1. u gota pee 4394 times....in a 30 time period
2. u could accidently break the most expenisive thing u in house....be PISSED for 30secs..and think to urself....."ill worry about it later"
3. u juss get forgetful as shit....u always gota get ur stuff together b4 u drink..cuz if u do it after...its a rap....the words "what was i lookin for again" will come 2 u alot
4. when u are tryn to explain somethin to ya friends...and noooone knows wha the hell ur talkin about...and in UR mind...u felt like it came out perfect...and they are juss tryna play u
5. when u thinkin to urself...."im drunk as shit" but if someone ask u if ur drunk u always like..."im fine"...or "im good"
6. when ur walkin....and u seem to juss be clumsy as hell all of a sudden...u always seem to snub ur toe...trip over somethin..or the classic...ur shoulder hits a side of the doorway....to everyone else it looks like horrific pain when u do it..but..to u ...u didnt feel a thing
7. when ur tryin plan ur way home...and u forget how to get to ur house...its like u no where its at..but u cant figure out which street it was u was pose to turn on
8. when the ugliest person in the club/bar looks realllly good at this moment....ya standards seem to plummet
9.when u spent 928 at the club...and u juss pay it wit no arguements or questions...."fuck it" comes to mind
10. when u wake up the next mornin...and 4got how u got home...and people always seem to have some story about how crazy u were the other night
11. when u are ready to fight women.. children ...small animals(puppies and kittens)... midgets handicap people...the elderly...people big enough 2 whoop ur ass..ninjas...one legged war vets..pretty much anyone that says or does somethin that U feel was disrespectful...but at that stage...it could be anything
12. when u think u can do shit...that u couldnt do sober...ie backflips...skate...jump off shit...and u new it was a bad idea b4 u even started
13. when ur vision is so blurry....u may almost think u need glasses for the time being
14. when ur try to tell a story...and at the beginning...u new wha u were gonna say...but mid-way u kinda blanked out...and then juss kinda freestyle the end of the story to the point where u forgot the point u were tryn to make in the first place
15. when people start to treatn u like a puppy...cuz u dooo be gettin distracted alot...and someone always has to watch u..make sure u aint gettn n2 nothin...and theres will be that one person whose always standin in ur face tryna to get u to "get it together"...and u KNOW they are right..but logic? reason? are those people? u dont no who or what those words are at that point
...and also..my favorite thing to talk about...situations that happen when ur drunk =)....U KNOW U ARE DRUNK WHEN!?!?!?.......
1. u gota pee 4394 times....in a 30 time period
2. u could accidently break the most expenisive thing u in house....be PISSED for 30secs..and think to urself....."ill worry about it later"
3. u juss get forgetful as shit....u always gota get ur stuff together b4 u drink..cuz if u do it after...its a rap....the words "what was i lookin for again" will come 2 u alot
4. when u are tryn to explain somethin to ya friends...and noooone knows wha the hell ur talkin about...and in UR mind...u felt like it came out perfect...and they are juss tryna play u
5. when u thinkin to urself...."im drunk as shit" but if someone ask u if ur drunk u always like..."im fine"...or "im good"
6. when ur walkin....and u seem to juss be clumsy as hell all of a sudden...u always seem to snub ur toe...trip over somethin..or the classic...ur shoulder hits a side of the doorway....to everyone else it looks like horrific pain when u do it..but..to u ...u didnt feel a thing
7. when ur tryin plan ur way home...and u forget how to get to ur house...its like u no where its at..but u cant figure out which street it was u was pose to turn on
8. when the ugliest person in the club/bar looks realllly good at this moment....ya standards seem to plummet
9.when u spent 928 at the club...and u juss pay it wit no arguements or questions...."fuck it" comes to mind
10. when u wake up the next mornin...and 4got how u got home...and people always seem to have some story about how crazy u were the other night
11. when u are ready to fight women.. children ...small animals(puppies and kittens)... midgets handicap people...the elderly...people big enough 2 whoop ur ass..ninjas...one legged war vets..pretty much anyone that says or does somethin that U feel was disrespectful...but at that stage...it could be anything
12. when u think u can do shit...that u couldnt do sober...ie backflips...skate...jump off shit...and u new it was a bad idea b4 u even started
13. when ur vision is so blurry....u may almost think u need glasses for the time being
14. when ur try to tell a story...and at the beginning...u new wha u were gonna say...but mid-way u kinda blanked out...and then juss kinda freestyle the end of the story to the point where u forgot the point u were tryn to make in the first place
15. when people start to treatn u like a puppy...cuz u dooo be gettin distracted alot...and someone always has to watch u..make sure u aint gettn n2 nothin...and theres will be that one person whose always standin in ur face tryna to get u to "get it together"...and u KNOW they are right..but logic? reason? are those people? u dont no who or what those words are at that point
lol at #6&11....LOL at #12, backflips??? lol, sounds fatal
what about the horny streak?
im drinking by myself right now.....I AM NOT A ALCHI!!!! :(
im well aware i like to drink... and i drink alone sometimes... and i think i have a problem because this entry hit home so well with me lls... awwww gah damn...
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