1. Have u ever been so sleepy that ull sleep wit all ur clothes on...or ya bed will b full of shit and u juss sleep wit it on the bed...or even juss slide it all on the floor
2. Have u ever been so hungry u wanna throwup
3. Have u ever been so bored that ull play wit toys or any inanimate objects that u see lyin around...the more bored u r the more u really get n2 it...til some1 sees u..and is like....wha the hell r u doin
4. Have u ever been so thirsty that ull drink outa a cup of water on the table thas been there since yesterday
5. Have u ever felt like u were the smartest person n the room....surrounded by idiots n a sense
6. Have u ever wanted to smack the shit outa ya mother.....ehhh ya father is not soooo bad
7. Have u ever wanted to take a picture of something but couldn't never get to ya camera out quite fast enough
8. Have u ever had a job working wit customers (fast food or dept stores)....I swearrrrr they don't no wha they want n life...aren't they the dumbest people imaginable...and don't u have complaints about them the world aint even ready to hear yet
9. Have u ever seen someone so ugly u juss had 2 stare at them......they draw u n to the point where u can't...no won't...turn away
10. Have u ever been n a relationship u knew wasn't gonna work...so u bet urself that it would b over n a certain amount of time
11. Have u ever wanted 2 to take the life of someone who snores
12. Have u ever shared a good laugh wit a stranger....like yall both witness something funny as hell...isn't it great...yall were bestfriends for like 7mins
13. Have u ever had 2 buy something so small but so expensive that u considered juss stealin it
14. Have u ever started eatn something u really wanted...and ya mouth started watern
15. Have u ever been lookin for ur phone...and u find it...right n ur hand
16. Have u ever ripped ur pants n a public settin....funny now....not so much then
17. Have u ever met up wit someone from the internet....and they didn't look exactly like their pic...don't u start thinkn of the shit u gota do all of a sudden
18. Have u ever been dreaming a greattt dream..and the woke up hopin and praying that it was real...and when u figured out it wasn't...u tried to go back to sleep hopin u can dream that same dream...but it never works
19. Have u ever been n ur car and juss need a red light for 2secs so u can reach for something or do something right quick...but u get alllllll the green lights n the world....but let u b n a hurry....str8 red lights the whole way....is this some kinda sick joke
20. Have u ever been walkin...and seen a loose dog....does ur heart stop 4 2 secs...and u start freakn out a lil and u then plan eitha ur escape route or how ur gonna kick the shit outa it if it comes near u
2. Have u ever been so hungry u wanna throwup
3. Have u ever been so bored that ull play wit toys or any inanimate objects that u see lyin around...the more bored u r the more u really get n2 it...til some1 sees u..and is like....wha the hell r u doin
4. Have u ever been so thirsty that ull drink outa a cup of water on the table thas been there since yesterday
5. Have u ever felt like u were the smartest person n the room....surrounded by idiots n a sense
6. Have u ever wanted to smack the shit outa ya mother.....ehhh ya father is not soooo bad
7. Have u ever wanted to take a picture of something but couldn't never get to ya camera out quite fast enough
8. Have u ever had a job working wit customers (fast food or dept stores)....I swearrrrr they don't no wha they want n life...aren't they the dumbest people imaginable...and don't u have complaints about them the world aint even ready to hear yet
9. Have u ever seen someone so ugly u juss had 2 stare at them......they draw u n to the point where u can't...no won't...turn away
10. Have u ever been n a relationship u knew wasn't gonna work...so u bet urself that it would b over n a certain amount of time
11. Have u ever wanted 2 to take the life of someone who snores
12. Have u ever shared a good laugh wit a stranger....like yall both witness something funny as hell...isn't it great...yall were bestfriends for like 7mins
13. Have u ever had 2 buy something so small but so expensive that u considered juss stealin it
14. Have u ever started eatn something u really wanted...and ya mouth started watern
15. Have u ever been lookin for ur phone...and u find it...right n ur hand
16. Have u ever ripped ur pants n a public settin....funny now....not so much then
17. Have u ever met up wit someone from the internet....and they didn't look exactly like their pic...don't u start thinkn of the shit u gota do all of a sudden
18. Have u ever been dreaming a greattt dream..and the woke up hopin and praying that it was real...and when u figured out it wasn't...u tried to go back to sleep hopin u can dream that same dream...but it never works
19. Have u ever been n ur car and juss need a red light for 2secs so u can reach for something or do something right quick...but u get alllllll the green lights n the world....but let u b n a hurry....str8 red lights the whole way....is this some kinda sick joke
20. Have u ever been walkin...and seen a loose dog....does ur heart stop 4 2 secs...and u start freakn out a lil and u then plan eitha ur escape route or how ur gonna kick the shit outa it if it comes near u
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