Lemme tell u a lil somethin about guys ..(sorry guys)....most guys lie.....but im sure u already kno this.....but alota times..(not all the time)...but when u think he is cheatin or lyin about somethin...more than likely...ur right....guys will tell u NETHING...if they think u will believe it...they will say it....and the worse part is when u call em out on it...then they reallllyyy lie..cuz they are mad u are already on to them.....they will take advantage of u in a heartbeat...im speakin on average...NOT EVERY GUY....guys are not very emotional...we dont really give a hell about alota stuff....i...personally dont hang on to alota stuff...meaning..i dont hold a grudge....girls will let it sit in their head for about a day or 2 before them lash out....which i dont understand.....some guys lie cuz they feel like u wouldnt understand...some guys lie...cuz they they are doin somethin they got no business doin....some guys lie...juss to get some from u....there are endless reasons to lie....but i think its juss cuz guys feel like girls really cant handle it....alota time if a guy cheats.....there is a strong possiblity that he will do it again....its soooo funny to me when i hear a girl tellin stories about wha a guy is doin...cuz its like...i almost kno hes lyin or doin somethin wrong.....and girls can be so gulliable sometimes....smh....its almost sad....alota of times guys say things....they dont fully mean....they juss kinda say wha u wanna hear.....i dunno if its kinda a game to play...or like they feel like they got u...or whateva.....if i was a girl...i wouldnt show tooooo many feelins for him...until he showed it first....u can be mean to a guy....he will come back....i dont think girls realize how much power they can have over a guy.....remember...u gota pay for p*ssy....d*ck is free..........but girls rely on their emotions too much..and thas prolly why u are where u are right now..and feel how u feel about a guy....stop bein stupid....sometimes u gota fight fire wit fire....think like a guy...act like a lady...and im quotin a female friend of mine.....u got soooo much power...fuckin use it.....if u let a guy take advantage of u...trust me...he has nooooo problem doin so........that is all
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