Wednesday, July 1, 2009

SO embarrassing!

Yea so me and a friend of mine are on our motorcycles...we playin around..actin a fool on the streets....there is alota traffic around us....we get up to a red light and start actin up he gets off his bike and gets on mine...and i get off mine and get on im sittin on his..i think i thought i put the kickstand down...and i tried to stand up...but as i did..the bike slowly tipped over and took me down with it! not only did i go down...but i fell in some bushes that were on the median...smh...and on top of that!....the bike was on me and it was too heavy for me to get off of here i am this guy in the bushes at a red light wit a motorcycle on top of me strugglin to get up...and my friend is lookin at me DYINNNNN yellin for him to help get the bike off of me...EVERYONE in they car is starin at he got the bike off me...i got back on it...head was down in shame....i didnt wanna look at noone(thank god for the helmet)....i was soooooo embarrassed...keep this story between me and u


Ima_Writer said...

Sam ur a fool my nigga.... This shyt had my crackin up... You lucky i wasnt around with a vid camera, you woulda been a youtube victim lls...

Saved Girl said...

Whew....classic. That is too funny (and embarassing). :/