ok, so I'm not a huge Beyonce fan...true, she's really pretty and can dance, but the concert I went to this past saturday was a 7 at best. true, the show was in greensboro, nc and not madison square garden being taped, but should that matter??? ideally, no, but keeping it real, i guess it does proven by her lacklusterness, ughk.
now i was taught in speech class to give positive feedback before you tear into someone's speech, so with the same spirit here goes....
1. she's pretty with a really nice shape, slightly hourglass (but the costumes were kinda exaggerated to make her look curvier than normal).....and i love her legs!
2. she is great at choreographed dancing
3. her voice is absolutely beautiful
but aren't these things what we already knew???...didn't need to pay for a concert for that, now to the roast...
1. first, i needed her to look fabulous and flawless, but to my genuine surprise, her hair looked like old, stringy, dry tracks...no hate, all honesty...i was a track connoisseur in high school so i know weave...don't believe me?...look at the BET awards...the concert was saturday, this pic is sunday, girl, what's up???
2. if she was not doing a definite choreographed dance routine, she was kinda just randomly walking around singing, and that's cool if she balanced her aimless walking around with some fabulous props or scenery on stage, but that wasn't the case, which leads me to #3
3. there was no "wow" factor during the concert. nothing in the props or the show for that matter amazed me. she had a huge stage-size monitor in the background, that did a few special effects, big deal....oh oh, she did like fly slowly over the floor crowd with some invisible strings...aaaaaaannd? and her doing that didn't even fit in the show, she wasn't singing an angel song or anything, i guess she just wanted to fly around on strings and that was supposed to be enough for people to go crazy over (????)
4. even her choreographed dancing wasn't on point...she didn't stick her moves with precision, which is the least she could do (since her freestyle showmanship is lame).....maaaaan, and they weren't even synchronized, I'd say they were 75% of the time......not enough for it being Beyoooonce...(side-eye)
5. why would she sing 50% ballads??? logically 50% dance 50% ballad sounds balanced right??? not if you're classified as a that kind of entertainer...if you have to do ballads, shorten them so you sing only half the song......don't believe the feel was drab and boring?...look at the BET awards, those songs were so out of place...gotta do what the people love, save that other stuff for the album
6. just her whole persona seems manufactured...from her "natural" banter with the audience, to her "genuine" little acting cute and innocent moments, to her "honest" gratitude and appreciation, just everything about her seems constructed and unnatural, especially the "natural" parts........she needs to know she can't do the michael jackson innocent behavior, mike was a real, genuine lovable enigma, bey? not so much, she comes off phony for some reason...don't believe me? watch the BET awards and compare her and alicia keys acceptance speeches (actually, you don't even have to to see what i mean), true, they're diff ppl, but genuine is either real or not, and i really felt alicia's speech.....but then i think, jay wouldn't be with someone phony and lame, so maybe I just don't get it
7. uh! and doing the little lame roc sign when she leaves the stage at the end, ok, that's old and not cute anymore
8. she said nothing about michael!!! benefit of the doubt, she did a tribute the next night after he passed, but I think he's worth the weekend, at least
OVERALL: I got the feeling she was winging it...also doesn't help that since mike died, I'm comparing everything to him, but that'll make everything I see trash b/c he's INCOMPARABLE (no better word), so I hope I can stop that soon.....bey, BEEEEYYY, tsk, tsk, tsk............aaaahhhh, so glad i went to see musiq and anthony hamilton the next night (thanks to my amazing sister and D)....now, they were really good...or was it b/c anthony hamilton is from NC that he was so good??? hmmmmm....
1 comment:
yes, 100% cosign...beyonce sucks...I am coming out loud with my distaste of her...I used to be afraid because she has some extraordinary power whereas if you say something negative everyone thinks you are HATING on her...but I don't care she sucks....and I say I say it loud and proud!
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