Monday, August 31, 2009
one moment please...
so, we were making our little mark in blog world when one day, my other half just quit the revolution, leaving me to wonder, "what the...?...i thought we had something good going :/ ???"...then today, he gives me this new idea to revamp and rejuice the blog, so hopefully, we'll be back really soon (fingers crossed) with that said, email any type of relationship question or idea you can think of to, go ahead...we're waiting..........
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

you know how you see new babies and you automatically smile...i literally frowned when i saw this......i have to go, gotta come up with some psycho logic to explain how he doesnt have a girlfriend named jada and how they didnt just have a baby :....( and i'll resort to calling him mean names too, it helps me.
but aside from the slight streak of psychosis, he's a great player, check him out this season, hopefully okafor gives them some consistancy this season
Friday, July 24, 2009
forever my fav look on a man
if a man wears either of these looks, no matter how his face looks, he gets a double take and at least 5 second stare from in the twenties dressed so masculine and with so much pride in neatness and dare i say the s word...swag lol
now, these arent the best pictures to express the looks im talking about, but the men, the movie, and the role they play did wonders for these looks...if only i could spend just one day in the 30s...maaaaan.

columbus short as little walter in cadillac records...the tank top with suspenders and casually fine and delicious...plz watch movie if you haven't, very underrated

had a another "little walter" photo, but usher NAILS this...dress top, tie, slacks, and the very masculine gun holsters (suspenders pull this off too)...yummy

finally, my absolute fav...johnny depp as john dillinger with the "3 piece suit sans jacket" look...and yes, the gun holsters...too fine...and go see public enemies if you haven't, again if you have
now, these arent the best pictures to express the looks im talking about, but the men, the movie, and the role they play did wonders for these looks...if only i could spend just one day in the 30s...maaaaan.
columbus short as little walter in cadillac records...the tank top with suspenders and casually fine and delicious...plz watch movie if you haven't, very underrated

had a another "little walter" photo, but usher NAILS this...dress top, tie, slacks, and the very masculine gun holsters (suspenders pull this off too)...yummy
finally, my absolute fav...johnny depp as john dillinger with the "3 piece suit sans jacket" look...and yes, the gun holsters...too fine...and go see public enemies if you haven't, again if you have
so i was exercising and realized...
if you don't burp, break wind, and break a sweat during a workout (yes ALL THREE)'ve done nothing...and don't expect the scale to move too much
Thursday, July 23, 2009
the perfect man

"a body like t.o. with a chris paul face!" What a Man 2009 =P ...can you imagine??? cut like t.o. with the boyish good looks of chris paul??? (this drool is gonna short my keyboard, gotta go)
last thing...t.o.'s show is, uuuuum, ok (i think he's kinda corny actually lol)...something to watch when you're lazy chillin
power to the ladies!

now you see…certain hair grades can pull this shave off with little to no maintainance (ie. erykah badu, amber rose)…others need the sharpest edge-up and closest brush at all times (ie. solange, la la)….i know it has to be liberating tho and for that reason (only) im happy for solange =)'s still new, she gotta just polish it up
Monday, July 20, 2009
now it's jay's turn
(though i think he was reading) cb's apology was so heartfelt and sincere...what's jay's statement for this ??? doesn't play out too nice, especially since i hear he was the reason cb couldnt perform on the bet awards this year >( ....i luv jay, but i gotta call it like i see it, hypocritical!!!...oh, and the "i was just playing" rebuttal i dont buy, the ppl around the incident looked too stunned for it to be just play, and jay looked too serious
guilty pleasures
along with soulja boy, young dro, diddy, pickle juice, a weekly dose of Krispy Kreme, and a few others, this lady was just added to my list of guilty pleasures...LOL at this clip =D (hope my sister can finally get how to do it now!)
so you hate mondays???

ok, im jobless (in school, but still) im really sensitive to this subject, and at the risk of it sounding high-minded, oh well, here goes: to all the people who hate work on mondays, how about your alternative...HAVING NO JOB TO maybe i'll have the pleasure of hating my job on mondays when i get one :/ ...actually, i have felt this way before, but when i see it so often from the same people, im like, come on, just be thankful for a change.
another thing, does anyone really like their job??? i wanna know especially from college grads, people who supposedly "did the right thing" ---heavy quotation marks
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
alcohol...yessssss PART II
ever been so drunk it made you wanna do research??? you know, find out what's going on with your body and brain??? well, that's what happended to me (just got off google). i felt like warm noodles and like my joints were extra loose, and can't forget extremely friendly. maaaaaan, can't lie, it's a euphoric feeling, but only after 1 ciroc and cranberry???...then nuvo which is DELICIOUS!!! (and they were free, which is a double plus...and one was from a QT, hope he calls soon, with dimples! who has those anymore, so cute lol...anyway)...mmmmmmm, kinda looking forward to next time...i sooo see how ppl become alchies. actually, imma chill while im ahead, it's that, enjoy this little video i found, it's disturbingly refreshing...and after viewing the 1:30 mark, please refer to this post, #12....LOLLOL
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
top 3 overrated things EVER
1. college
2. clubs
3. single-hood
but hey, LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT, so actually, nothing is overrated, stuff is what it is, it's when YOU put expectations on things in an attempt to fill a void or put the responsibility of your happiness on something else is when you come up short and disappointed
2. clubs
3. single-hood
but hey, LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT, so actually, nothing is overrated, stuff is what it is, it's when YOU put expectations on things in an attempt to fill a void or put the responsibility of your happiness on something else is when you come up short and disappointed
how can a chick hate her child's father with all her heart, but without him, she wouldn't have the very child she has and loves more than anything??? true, the hate for the guy is usually seemingly justified, but still, he gave you the child you love, so how??? just doesn't make any all.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I probably should admit this but...
1. I watch spongebob & icarly
2. The walls n ma room r pink (lol juss moved n hadn't had a chance 2 paint them yet)
3. I have drank b4 a interview
4. My self esteem isn't that high
5. Im waayyy 2 trusting
6. I've ran from the police on the motorcycle on a few occasions
7. I think I have anxiety attacks
8. I haven't watched or played any sports n a long time
9. I have a shitty car (4now)
10. I have a crush on lady gaga lol
11. I have 2 wear shades when im eyes give it all away...and I can't focus
12. I have an obsession with motorcycles
13. I love 2 tease
14. I have soooo much love for someone I have never met n person....we talk on aim all the time...for at least 10years now
15. I don't like old school music....its str8 ...but I don't care for listening to it
17. My mind is more crazy than people really know
18. I don't like ridin rollercoasters
19. I fastest I've been on ma bike is 177mph and maybe 150somethin wit someone on the back....u ride wit me...we 1 point or anotha
20. I ripped my pants in the club....twice! (dont ask how)
2. The walls n ma room r pink (lol juss moved n hadn't had a chance 2 paint them yet)
3. I have drank b4 a interview
4. My self esteem isn't that high
5. Im waayyy 2 trusting
6. I've ran from the police on the motorcycle on a few occasions
7. I think I have anxiety attacks
8. I haven't watched or played any sports n a long time
9. I have a shitty car (4now)
10. I have a crush on lady gaga lol
11. I have 2 wear shades when im eyes give it all away...and I can't focus
12. I have an obsession with motorcycles
13. I love 2 tease
14. I have soooo much love for someone I have never met n person....we talk on aim all the time...for at least 10years now
15. I don't like old school music....its str8 ...but I don't care for listening to it
17. My mind is more crazy than people really know
18. I don't like ridin rollercoasters
19. I fastest I've been on ma bike is 177mph and maybe 150somethin wit someone on the back....u ride wit me...we 1 point or anotha
20. I ripped my pants in the club....twice! (dont ask how)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
quit it

a lot of things are not appropriate for us to judge about other people: religion, sexuality, levels of mourning...but just because it's inappropriate doesnt mean people dont do it, including me with USHER'S CRYING EPISODE AT THE MJ MEMORIAL!!! am i the only one who felt it was staged, too dramatic, and attention/publicity-seeking??? from the coming off stage (like no one else did), to the touching all over the casket, to the taking the shades off so everyone could see his tears(ughk), to the standing there awkwardly for what seemed like an eternity for the family to console HIM! CONSOLE HIM?!?!?, to him falling all in Katherine's lap know what, he get's the PB stamp of the year in my was all just a few seconds too dramatic...oh! and how could i forget him dramatically reaching out to the casket like it just slipped from his reach or something, im over it
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
most underrated MJ song
this song is amazing. these lyrics are sweeeeet! so introspective, vulnerable, and real...really nice video too, even with its simplicity, but sooo quality in all aspects, such a MJ signature
if you doubted MJ's voice without the theatrics, please listen to get the full effect, peep this
knew this one would sound beautiful acapella too, see if you get a slight chill, if not, you're chemically imbalanced or something, clearly ;) listen
if you doubted MJ's voice without the theatrics, please listen to get the full effect, peep this
knew this one would sound beautiful acapella too, see if you get a slight chill, if not, you're chemically imbalanced or something, clearly ;) listen
can't lie, i thought he was lying
first things first, the celebration service (i don't use funeral anymore) for MJ today was BE-AH-YOOTIFUL, so classy, organized and even inspirational. (just put "mj memorial service in L.A." in google and you can see it forever).
now to the reason of this post. ok, am i the only one who loved mike, but thought he was lying about his "skin condition"??? but now im older and i realize maybe he really did have one. logic: being a major entertainer and in such high demand all his life, even with a skin condition, michael still had to perform and be in public. so duh, the public would never see the stages of his skin getting lighter because...tadaaa!, he'd just wear make-up. simple enough. some things come to you when you just sit and think and/or just come of age to understand....all that said, here's what looks like proof to me.....NEVER believed the children allegations though, and because of that, im at peace with mj, with majority just fond memories...anywho, peep it (click pic to see up close and personal) this for more pics

now to the reason of this post. ok, am i the only one who loved mike, but thought he was lying about his "skin condition"??? but now im older and i realize maybe he really did have one. logic: being a major entertainer and in such high demand all his life, even with a skin condition, michael still had to perform and be in public. so duh, the public would never see the stages of his skin getting lighter because...tadaaa!, he'd just wear make-up. simple enough. some things come to you when you just sit and think and/or just come of age to understand....all that said, here's what looks like proof to me.....NEVER believed the children allegations though, and because of that, im at peace with mj, with majority just fond memories...anywho, peep it (click pic to see up close and personal) this for more pics

Monday, July 6, 2009
signs my "forever 21" days are coming ot an end :(

staying small has it's perks, one of the main ones being shopping at stores with cute, cheap clothes (ie. forever 21, luv it) but it seems like in your mid 20s, your metabolism changes and you can't eat whatever you want with little to no physical results anymore...with that said, here are some signs i'm picking up the pounds (and a sign im immediately getting on the tae-bo when i finish this post):
1. the top part of my arm is getting heftier. fitted t-shirts show this really well. if there's no breathing room at the opening of the sleeve, um, maybe i should give up on that look.
2. my default tummy is a little pudgy. i used to gt a belly after i ate a lot, now, the belly's there when i'm hungry :( leverage.
3. the connection of my thigh is getting closer to my knees. it's used to start mid-thigh, not now....i actually like my new legs, more shapley :)
4. getting extra chin padding. i can't see it looking head on, cuz i see myself head on everyday, so i really wont see changes. but looking in the mirror an uncommon way, profile view, i can see a little more chin action.
5. i'm getting that gap in my button-ups (wider back lol) and the button on my jeans isn't flat after i button them (wider hips or bigger butt, that i welcome :)
those are the main ones. and no, im not comparing how i should look to media guidelines and i've also already calculated that you may gain a little as you get older...but man, to actually notice it yourself gaining weight is weird...and reason enough for ME to do something about it.....ah forever 21, i'm not leaving you just yet my luv :)
i used to love her

i had a total girl crush on this chick. i knew she was hot ever since pharrell's video "frontin." she really won me over with her conversation in interviews and her aspects on life. she seemed like she was sooo above the shallowness of the industry and men, like she was one-up on all of the shenanigans...then i hear rumors. she spoke on rumors before and brushed them off, but this last rumor, she didn't speak on, and i never saw pictures. then yesterday, i click on a site and this is the first pic i see ^^^...i literally screamed with horror. i understand things happen, but lauren and lil wayne??? she seemed smarter, or maybe it was calculated, or maybe this is what they both wanted... but really, i don't know her, and i don't know him, her "girl next door" and his "thug" appeal could just be media so many celebrities have.....lauren! :...(
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