i had a total girl crush on this chick. i knew she was hot ever since pharrell's video "frontin." she really won me over with her conversation in interviews and her aspects on life. she seemed like she was sooo above the shallowness of the industry and men, like she was one-up on all of the shenanigans...then i hear rumors. she spoke on rumors before and brushed them off, but this last rumor, she didn't speak on, and i never saw pictures. then yesterday, i click on a site and this is the first pic i see ^^^...i literally screamed with horror. i understand things happen, but lauren and lil wayne??? she seemed smarter, or maybe it was calculated, or maybe this is what they both wanted... but really, i don't know her, and i don't know him, her "girl next door" and his "thug" appeal could just be media images...like so many celebrities have.....lauren! :...(
yeah...definitely feeling some Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston vibes coming from this story.
WTF...what does this man have to make all these ladies love him so much???? besides money but dam....Trina, Lureen, Khia and I was waching that new show with hi ex and she still loves him plus all the unknowns....inquiring minds wanna know.
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