now to the reason of this post. ok, am i the only one who loved mike, but thought he was lying about his "skin condition"??? but now im older and i realize maybe he really did have one. logic: being a major entertainer and in such high demand all his life, even with a skin condition, michael still had to perform and be in public. so duh, the public would never see the stages of his skin getting lighter because...tadaaa!, he'd just wear make-up. simple enough. some things come to you when you just sit and think and/or just come of age to understand....all that said, here's what looks like proof to me.....NEVER believed the children allegations though, and because of that, im at peace with mj, with majority just fond memories...anywho, peep it (click pic to see up close and personal) this for more pics

yeah, the charlie chapman pic definitely shows it.
I can really see it in his arm on the first pic, he had vitiligo
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