Wednesday, June 17, 2009

5 cut to the chase questions

"what's your favorite color?" and "who's your favorite rapper?" are cute, but make sure you get these questions in: (these are from a woman's perspective, but i guess guys can ask too)

1. are you married? divorced? when was your last relationship? ....assess where he/she may be emotionally

2. have any kids? see them often?....assess his/her level of responsibiliy and how well he/she handles it (screw grammar, no more he/she, im using "their")

3. what school did you go too? (if no school>>>) where do you work?.....assess their stability

4. are you a Christian? Muslim? atheist?.....assess their religious views, which also gives you an assessment of the foundation of their morals

5. who do you stay with?......assess their finances

*BONUS* (if you're bold)
*ever been in jail/prison?....that could be a plus if you're into thuggery
*ever had an std?......sorry, but with how popular infedility is, you gotta ask

the answers to these quesions will give you only a general gist of the type of person you're dealing with. use your own intelligence and intuition to see if the person is worth spending anymore time with.........timeout for "i didn't know he was married," or "i can't believe he stole my credit card."

obliviousness is no longer an excuse.......ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS

1 comment:

Saved Girl said...

or...skip all the questions and just stick with the guy because they are CUTE!!!!! "yes honey....he is FINE. you see his green eyes!"!!!! LOLOL.